Index of l
letters can change the world, remove the l from world and you have word
- L_ALWAYS_SPEAK; /include/language.h
Flag to specify that the language is always able to be spoken.
- L_DISTANCE; /include/language.h
Flag to specify that this language can be used over a distance (ie:
tells and shouts).
- L_MAGIC; /include/language.h
Flag to specify that this language is magic language!
- L_SIZED; /include/language.h
Flag to specify that the language is sized.
- L_SPOKEN; /include/language.h
Flag to specify that this language can be spoken.
- L_WRITTEN; /include/language.h
Flag to specify that this language can be written.
- LA_MAISON_LIQUOR; /include/forn.h
- label.c.
This is the effect skelton docs.
- LACHAISE_ROAD; /include/forn.h
- LADY_BROOK_LIQUOR; /include/forn.h
- LADY_BROOK_STREET; /include/forn.h
- lagomorpha_base.c.
- LANCRE; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_CASTLE; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_FARMLAND; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_FOREST; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_KINGDOM; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_MOOR; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_MOORS; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_STREET; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_TOWN_ROOM_SIZE; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_TOWN_X; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_TOWN_Y; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRE_TOWN_Z; /include/ramtops.h
- LANCRES; /include/ramtops.h
- LANDSCAPES; /include/ramtops.h
- LANE; /include/wizard.h
The directory that contains conjunction lane, that runs outside the UU.
- lang_dependent_setup(); /d/guilds/merchants/std/stall.c
- LANGUAGE; /include/morpork.h
- language.h.
This is the file that contains the language bits needed for dealing with
- LANGUAGE_HAND; /include/language.h
The language handler.
- language_info(cur_lang, cur_lang); /global/communicate.c
- LANGUAGE_INHERIT; /include/language.h
The default language inheritable used in all languages so the interface
is consistent.
- LANGUAGE_SKILL_START; /include/language.h
The start part of the languages skill tree.
- languages.c.
The language handler.
- LAPOODH; /include/klatch.h
- last_login(N); /include/player_shop.h
- le(string); /global/le.c
The main access point for le.
- le.c.
This is a quick and dirty line editor.
- le_commands(); /global/le.c
This method adds in all the commands needed to access le.
- leach_away(object, object, object); /std/effects/magic/gnome_size.c
- leader_of(string); /obj/handlers/group_handler.c
This function returns the person who is currently
leading the group, if any.
- LEADERS; /include/warrior.h
- leaf_chat(string); /d/klatch/ephebe/inherit/ephebe_description_inherit.c
This returns a string for a roomchat about leaves that varies with
the windspeed.
- leaflet.c.
- learn_ritual.c.
This is the effect skelton docs.
- LEARNING; /include/learning.h
- learning.c.
Register a lesson with the learning system.
- learning.h.
- LEARNT; /include/cmr.h
- LEASE; /include/housing.h
Define the house ownership type as being a leasehold
- lecthall.c.
the info field is the same as in the prepare command.
- lecture_in_progress(); /d/guilds/wizards/Ankh-Morpork/lecturehalls/lecthall.c
- LEDGE; /include/ramtops.h
- LEDGER; /include/thief.h
- LENGTH_REQUIRED; /include/http.h
The response number for a length required message.
- LENGTHEN; /include/dirs.h
- lesson(minimum_skills, minimum_skills, minimum_skills, minimum_skills); /std/learning.c
- lesson_end(string, string); /std/learning.c
- lesson_response(string, string, string, string); /std/learning.c
- lesson_step(string, string, string); /std/learning.c
- LEVEL; /include/peopler.h
The plauyers level field.
- LEVEL_DIV; /include/tune.h
- LIAISON; /include/liaison.h
- liaison.h.
Liaison domain include file
@author Wyvyrn
@stared 2002-09-05
- LIAISON_APPLICATIONS; /include/liaison.h
- LIAISON_DOMAIN_INFO; /include/liaison.h
- LIAISON_MASTER; /include/liaison.h
- LIBRARY; /include/library.h
- library.c.
The library is a sort of information center.
- library.h.
- life_saving.c.
This is the effect skelton docs.
- life_saving.c.
This is the effect skelton docs.
- LIGHT; /include/colour.h
- light.c.
This method handles the light changing and control.
- light_change.c.
This is the effect skelton docs.
- light_level_changed(); /std/basic/light.c
This method tells us that the light levels have changed and should
be recalculated when queried.
- lightable;
This is the standard lightable.
- lightable.c.
This is the standard lightable.
- LILAGATEA; /include/morpork.h
- line_ed.c.
This allows a piece of text to be placed into the players own
line editor (which ever one they wish to use).
- LINKER; /include/morpork.h
- linker.c.
- LINKER_OBJECT; /include/room.h
This is the path used to the object used to link connected rooms
- liquid_name(); /obj/container.c
This method returns the name of the current liquid inside the container.
- LIQUOR_ALLEY; /include/forn.h
- list(string, string); /std/effects/object/talker.c
This method returns a formatted list of which players are using the
- list(); /std/shops/bureau_de_change.c
- list_applications(); /obj/handlers/applications_handler.c
- list_applications_newbiehelpers(); /obj/handlers/applications_handler.c
- list_buggy_starts(); /obj/handlers/start_positions.c
Get a list of all the currently registered buggy start positions.
- LIST_CHANNEL_PATTERN; /include/talker.h
- LIST_CHANNEL_PATTERN_BRIEF; /include/talker.h
- list_contents(string); /std/basic/cute_look.c
This method prints out the contents of the object matching.
- list_contractable_npcs(string); /obj/handlers/secure_handlers/inhume.c
Give a nicely formatted table of NPCs that you can request contracts on,
and prices.
- list_d_employees(); /d/am/buildings/dysk_dev/inherits/theatre_control.c
This method produces a detailed list of the employees
- list_elections(); /std/room/inherit/voting_room.c
This function is called when a player types 'elections'.
- list_employees(); /d/am/buildings/dysk_dev/inherits/theatre_control.c
this method lists all employees along with their levels within the
- list_enforcers(); /obj/handlers/secure_handlers/inhume.c
Get a nice formatted string containing the names of the Guild Enforcers.
- list_exec_comments(string); /d/playtesters/handlers/applications.c
- LIST_FORMAT; /include/talker.h
This is a printf format specification field used to format the talker
list output.
- list_inhumes(string); /obj/handlers/secure_handlers/inhume.c
- list_killfile(string); /obj/handlers/board_handler.c
Retrieve a players killfile list
- list_managers(); /d/am/buildings/dysk_dev/inherits/theatre_control.c
This method produces a list of the managers
- list_mappings(string); /global/cloner.c
This method returns a list of all the current mappings.
- list_of_boards(); /obj/handlers/board_handler.c
The names of all the boards.
- LIST_PATTERN; /include/talker.h
- list_sacrosanct(); /obj/handlers/secure_handlers/inhume.c
Query the entire sacrosanct mapping.
- list_votes(); /std/room/inherit/voting_room.c
This function is called when a player types 'list'.
- LISTENERS; /include/ramtops.h
- LISTENERS_VALLEY_ROOM_SIZE; /include/ramtops.h
- LISTENERS_VALLEY_X; /include/ramtops.h
- LISTENERS_VALLEY_Y; /include/ramtops.h
- LISTENERS_VALLEY_Z; /include/ramtops.h
- LISTENING_MONKS; /include/ramtops.h
- LISTENING_MONKS_ROOM_SIZE; /include/ramtops.h
- LISTENING_MONKS_X; /include/ramtops.h
- LISTENING_MONKS_Y; /include/ramtops.h
- LISTENING_MONKS_Z; /include/ramtops.h
- lives_in_water(); /std/races/fish_base.c
- lives_in_water(object); /std/room/basic/water.c
- LIVING; /include/rituals.h
- LIVING; /include/user_parser.h
- living(object); /secure/simul_efun/add_action.c
- living.c.
The main living inherit.
- living.h.
- living_commands(); /std/living/living.c
This method adds any commands needed by the living inherit.
- living_data(handicap, handicap, handicap, handicap); /std/living/living.c
- LIVING_EVADE_SKILL; /include/living.h
The skill to use when someone is trying to follow you.
- living_light.c.
This is the effect skelton docs.
- living_nationality(nationality, nationality); /include/living.h
This is the class used for nationality data.
- living_poss_short(object, object); /obj/handlers/attack_messages.c
- LIVING_PURSUIT_SKILL; /include/living.h
The skill to use when following someone.
- livings.c.
A handler to deal with all the living objects on the disc.
- LLAMEDOS; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_BARD_ZONE; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_BASE; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_CHARS; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_DRUID_ZONE; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_GENERAL_SHOP; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_HANDLERS; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_INHERITS; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_INSIDE_BASE; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_INSIDE_ROOM; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_ITEM_SHOP; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_MONSTER_BASE; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_NO_ZONE; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_OUTSIDE_BASE; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_OUTSIDE_ROOM; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_PUB; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_ROOM_BASE; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_TOWN; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_TOWN_ZONE; /include/forn.h
- LLAMEDOS_VILLAGES; /include/forn.h
- LOAD; /include/map_handler.h
- load_a_chat(int, int); /obj/monster.c
This method loads up the set of chat strings to use while in combat.
- load_article_text(class our_article); /std/room/inherit/newspaper_office.c
This method loads the text of an article.
- load_article_text_by_file(string); /std/room/inherit/newspaper_office.c
This method is used by the web, it loads the article by the file name.
- load_auto_load_alt(mixed *, mixed *, mixed *, mixed *); /global/auto_load.c
The new method of handling auto loading of objects.
- load_auto_load_to_array(mixed *, mixed *); /global/auto_load.c
This method creates all the objects and sets them up now.
- load_auto_load_to_inventory(mixed *, mixed *, mixed *, mixed *); /global/auto_load.c
This method loads all the objects from the array and places them
into the inventory of the specified object.
- load_chat(int, int); /obj/monster.c
This method loads up the chat strings for the npc.
- load_cheat_file(); /d/guilds/merchants/std/stall.c
Reads *abusers from MASTER_SAVE_FILE.
- load_data(); /std/room/inherit/carriage/handler.c
- load_file(); /d/cwc/factions/faction.c
- load_file(); /d/cwc/handlers/cwc_politics_handler.c
- load_file(); /global/cloner.c
Loads the current configuration.
- load_file(); /obj/handlers/autodoc/autodoc_file.c
Loads up the currently set file name from the archives.
- load_file(); /obj/handlers/newbiehelpers.c
- load_file(); /obj/handlers/start_positions.c
- load_file(); /std/delivery.c
This method loads retrieves data from the save file, and handles the
autoloading of the items.
- load_file(); /std/room/auction_room.c
- load_group_npcs(string); /obj/handlers/hospital.c
This method creates the npcs for the specificed group of npcs.
- load_group_npcs(string); /std/hospital.c
This method creates the npcs for the specificed group of npcs.
- load_group_npcs(string); /std/hospital.c
This method creates the npcs for the specificed group of npcs.
- load_handler_data(); /obj/handlers/playerinfo.c
- load_image(string, string); /obj/handlers/image.c
This method reads in the given image file, and returns a two-dimensional
array of integers representing the data in the file.
- load_inventory(); /w/terano/lib/std/room/club_inherit.c
This method load the inventory to the room
It is called by load_file()
- load_it(); /obj/handlers/book_handler.c
Loads the state information from the save file.
- load_it(); /obj/handlers/new_soul.c
Loads the previous state of the soul object off the disc.
- load_it(); /std/shops/controllers/craft_shop_controller.c
This method loads the current state of the system.
- load_it(); /std/shops/print_shop.c
Loads the saved information off the disc.
- load_main(); /obj/handlers/inherit/club_basic.c
This method loads the data from the disk.
- load_me(); /obj/handlers/applications_handler.c
- load_me(); /obj/handlers/player_council.c
- load_me(); /std/room/controller/club_room_controller.c
This method loads all the data from the save file.
- load_me(); /std/room/council_citizenship.c
This loads all the exciting data for the citizenship room.
- load_me(); /std/room/council_treasury.c
Load the variables for this treasury.
- load_me(); /std/room/inherit/newspaper_office.c
Loads the data in the file.
- load_me(); /std/room/stable.c
This method loads the room.
- load_me(); /std/shops/inherit/auction_house.c
This method loads the auction house up.
- load_message(string, string, string); /obj/handlers/folder_handler.c
This method loads a message for the specified player in the specified
- load_npc_object(string); /obj/handlers/hospital.c
This method loads the specific npc.
- load_npc_object(string); /std/hospital.c
This method loads the specific npc.
- load_npc_object(string); /std/hospital.c
This method loads the specific npc.
- load_player(string); /obj/handlers/player_handler.c
This method will load in the player file.
- load_quests(); /obj/handlers/quest_handler.c
This method reloads the quests from the save file.
- load_random_npc(string, string, string); /obj/handlers/hospital.c
This method randomly selects an NPC or a group of NPC's from
the list of defined NPC's for the room/region.
- load_random_npc(string, string, string); /std/hospital.c
This method randomly selects an NPC or a group of NPC's from
the list of defined NPC's for the room/region.
- load_random_npc(string, string, string); /std/hospital.c
This method randomly selects an NPC or a group of NPC's from
the list of defined NPC's for the room/region.
- load_room(); /std/room/inherit/owned_room.c
This method loads the room setup.
- load_room_at(int, int, int); /std/room/inherit/terrain_map/handler_base.c
This method is used to find a room at the specified coordinates,
or to clone and setup a new one if none exists so far.
- loader.c.
- LOBBIN; /include/morpork.h
- LOCAL_UDP_PORT; /include/newudp.h
- localtime.h.
- lock_cells(); /d/am/inherit/am_prison.c
This function closes all cell-doors and locks them.
- LOCK_MASK; /include/permissions.h
- LOG; /include/forn.h
- LOG; /include/inhume.h
- LOG; /include/morpork.h
- LOG(X); /include/map_handler.h
- log.c.
- log.h.
This include file for use with bug, idea and typo report logging.
- LOG_CD_SIZE; /include/ftp.h
- LOG_CONNECT; /include/ftp.h
- LOG_DAYS; /include/player_shop.h
Length of time (days) to keep shop's logs
- LOG_DEBUG; /include/ftp.h
- LOG_ENTRY; /include/player_shop.h
Log entries - manual entry
- LOG_ERROR(A,B); /include/player_shop.h
Log unallowed calls
- LOG_EXITS; /include/map_handler.h
- LOG_FILE; /include/ed.h
- LOG_FILE; /include/ftp.h
- LOG_FILE; /include/log.h
Where the errors are logged to.
- log_file(string, string, string); /secure/simul_efun/modified_efuns.c
This method writes a message out ot a log file.
- LOG_FILENAME; /include/ftp.h
- log_message(string); /d/cwc/Bes_Pelargic/inherit/bp_citizen.c
- log_message(string); /d/cwc/factions/faction.c
- log_message(string); /d/cwc/handlers/cwc_politics_handler.c
- log_message(string); /obj/handlers/newbiehelpers.c
- LOG_SHORTS; /include/map_handler.h
- LOGDIR; /include/inhume.h
- LOGFILE; /include/inhume.h
- logged_on_times(int); /global/newbie_junk.c
Gives out the login gifts and anything else that should be done on
a certain login number.
- logging_commands(); /global/log.c
- LOGIN; /include/login_handler.h
The name of the login event.
- login(string, string); /obj/handlers/guild_things/quota/thief_quota.c
This method is called by the login handler when a player logs on
or by the code for thief leaves of absence.
- login.c.
The main login object.
- login.h.
This file contains all that is needed by the login object.
- login_callback(string, string); /obj/handlers/start_positions.c
This is the callback function registered with the login handler.
- login_event(mixed, mixed); /obj/handlers/news_handler.c
- login_event(mixed, mixed); /obj/monster/fruitbat.c
- LOGIN_HANDLER; /include/login_handler.h
The path to the login handler.
- login_handler.c.
The login handler lets you have a funct called as a player logs in or out.
- login_handler.h.
The include file for the login handler.
- login_information(ob); /obj/handlers/login_handler.c
- LOGIN_OB; /include/ftp.h
- LOGIN_OB; /include/imap4.h
- LOGIN_OB; /include/login.h
This is the location of the login object.
- LOGIN_OB; /include/pop3.h
- LOGOUT; /include/login_handler.h
The name of the logout event.
- long(string, string); /global/shut.c
- long(string, string); /obj/cont_medium.c
- long(string, string); /obj/corpse.c
- long(string, string); /obj/fired_weapon.c
- long(string, string); /obj/mineral.c
- long(int, int); /obj/ring.c
- long(string, string); /obj/shut.c
- long(int, int); /obj/staff.c
- long(int, int); /std/basic/artifact.c
- long(string, string); /std/basic/desc.c
This method returns the current long description.
- long(string, string); /std/mineral.c
- long(string, string); /std/object.c
The description of an object when someone looks at it.
- long(string, string); /std/object.eff_shad.c
The description of an object when someone looks at it.
- long(string, string); /std/object.no_eff_shad.c
The description of an object when someone looks at it.
- long(); /std/room/basic/door.c
- long(string, string); /std/room/furniture/surface.c
- long(string, string); /std/shops/inherit/commercial.c
This gets round the problems with setting the property name before
we have a save file.
- long(string, string); /std/surface.c
- LONG_ALLEY; /include/ramtops.h
- LONG_ROAD; /include/sur.h
- long_status(); /std/room/basic/door.c
- long_test(string, string); /std/room/inherit/terrain_map/terrain_room.c
- longshot.c.
- LONGWALL; /include/morpork.h
- look_for_deletions(); /obj/handlers/co_ordinate_handler.c
This is a function which runs through and finds old outdated rooms
and removes them.
- look_me(string); /global/player.c
Force the player to look.
- look_up(string); /obj/handlers/cpi_handler.c
- lookmap(); /std/room/basic_room.c
- LOOM; /include/morpork.h
- lord.c.
This is the lord player object and contains any needed bits to
handle lord specific commands and things.
- LORD_OB; /include/player.h
The path to the lord file.
- lose_citizenship.c.
This is the standard punishment file for losing someone's
- LOSING; /include/morpork.h
- lot(case_code, case_code, case_code, case_code, case_code, case_code); /std/room/auction_room.c
A few notes about this class, I didn't like the way the old one
worked, when a lot moved to expired_lots, there was no real way to recover it
Instead, we will keep one array of all lots, with differing status's depending
on whats happening.
- lot_check(); /std/room/auction_room.c
A major component, this function is called once every few minutes to
change the state of our bids.
- LOVERS_WALK; /include/forn.h
- LOW; /include/inhume.h
- LOWER; /include/morpork.h
- LOWER_CAVERNS; /include/ramtops.h
- lower_check(string); /global/psoul.c
This function will get called when all other commands and actions
have refused to do anything for this input from the user.
- LOWER_LEVEL; /include/ramtops.h
- LOWER_MOUNTAINS; /include/ramtops.h
- LOWER_PICTSIE; /include/ramtops.h
- ls.h.
- LT_GMTOFF; /include/localtime.h
- LT_HOUR; /include/localtime.h
- LT_MDAY; /include/localtime.h
- LT_MIN; /include/localtime.h
- LT_MON; /include/localtime.h
- LT_SEC; /include/localtime.h
- LT_WDAY; /include/localtime.h
- LT_YDAY; /include/localtime.h
- LT_YEAR; /include/localtime.h
- LT_ZONE; /include/localtime.h
- LYING; /include/position.h
- LYING_CMD; /include/position.h
The path to the object to use when trying to make someone stand up.