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Written by Deutha
varargs mixed attempt_task(int difficulty, int bonus, int upper, mixed extra, int degree)
varargs mixed attempt_task_e(int difficulty, int bonus, int upper, int half, int degree)
varargs mixed compare_skills(object offob, string offskill, object defob, string defskill, int modifier, int off_tm_type, int def_tm_type, int degree, int offperc, int defperc)
This is an example of the simpler, binary success/failure behaviour. switch(TASKER->compare_skills(attacker, "fighting.melee.sword", defender, "fighting.defence.parry", 25, TM_COMMAND, TM_FREE) { case OFFAWARD: tell_object(attacker, "%^@tm%^You manage to grasp one of the " "principles of slicing people up more firmly." "%^RESET%^\n"); case OFFWIN: say(defender->one_short() + " loses an arm!\n"); break; case DEFAWARD: tell_object(defender, "%^@tm%^You feel better able to keep your arms " "attached when parrying unarmed.%^RESET%^\n"); case DEFWIN: say(defender->one_short() + " keeps " + defender->query_possesive() + " arm attached.\n"); break; }
This is an example of the finer grained degree-of-success behaviour. class tasker_result tr; tr = (class tasker_result)TASKER->compare_skills( attacker, "fighting.melee.sword", defender, "fighting.defence.parry", 25, TM_COMMAND, TM_FREE, 1 ); switch( tr->result ) { case OFFAWARD: tell_object(attacker, "%^@tm%^You manage to grasp one of the " "principles of slicing people up more firmly." "%^RESET%^\n"); case OFFWIN: switch( tr->degree ) { case TASKER_MARGINAL: say( "You just barely scrape your opponent's hand.\n" ); break; case TASKER_NORMAL: say( "You slice into your opponent's arm.\n" ); break; case TASKER_EXCEPTIONAL: say( "You slice deeply into your opponent's muscle and sinew, and " "he screams in pain!\n" ); break; case TASKER_CRITICAL: say( "You slice your opponent's arm clean off. Blood spurts " "everywhere like a cherry slurpee machine gone insane!\n" ); break; } break; case DEFAWARD: tell_object(defender, "%^@tm%^You feel better able to keep your arms " "attached when parrying unarmed.%^RESET%^\n"); case DEFWIN: switch( tr->degree ) { ... similar code in here... ... } break; }
int is_critical(int margin)
void load_me()
void lucky_achievements(object player, int level)
varargs mixed perform_task(object person, string skill, int difficulty, int tm_type, int degree, int gp_cost)
This is an example of the simpler, binary success/failure behaviour. switch(TASKER->perform_task( person, "covert.manipulation.stealing", 300, TM_COMMAND ) ) { case AWARD : tell_object( person, "%^@tm%^You manage to grasp the principles " "of stealing more firmly.%^RESET%^\n" ); // Note, no break; case SUCCEED : // Whatever happens when it succeeds break; default : // Whatever happens when it fails }
This is an example of the finer grained degree-of-success behaviour. class tasker_result tr; tr = (class tasker_result)TASKER->perform_task( person, "other.direction", 300, TM_FREE, 1, 50 ); switch( tr->result ) { case AWARD: tell_object(attacker, "%^@tm%^You feel very aligned!%^RESET%^\n" ); case SUCCEED: switch( tr->degree ) { case TASKER_MARGINAL: say( "You think he went thataway. Maybe.\n" ); break; case TASKER_NORMAL: say( "You're pretty sure he went that way.\n" ); break; case TASKER_EXCEPTIONAL: say( "He definitely went thataway!\n" ); break; case TASKER_CRITICAL: say( "Your surity that he went thataway is so powerful that even " "if he didn't go thataway, he'll be in that direction.\n" ); break; } break; case FAIL: switch( tr->degree ) { ... Boy, it's a good thing I've already explained this, or I'd be pretty hard-pressed to think of an example of a critical failure for other.direction. You get the idea. ... } break; }
varargs void save_me(int now)
void set_control(mixed * args)
int success_probability(int difficulty, int bonus, int tm_type)
void write_back_trace(string skill, string trace)