Written by shrike
Originally written by Ceres, in October '95.
Modified by Turrican to use classes instead of fixed key mappings 3-5-96.
Modified extensively by Shrike in Oct-Dec. 1999, to add the Guild
Enforcer system, customizable receipts, and divers alarums. Oh yeah,
I also autodoc'ed the damn thing.
nomask int activate_insurance(string player)
Transfer someone who is on the moeny-back trial period to full
membership. This sets up the sacrosanct mapping entry, and pays the
money into the coffers.
- Parameters:
player - The name of the player to activate
- Returns:
1 for success, 0 if it couldn't do it.
nomask void add_collect(string who,
string target,
int refund,
int value,
int time)
Manually set up a payment for someone.
This function is access controlled.
- Parameters:
who - The person who the payment is for.
target - The name of the player who was inhumed (or 0 if it's a refund).
refund - Flag indicating whether this is a refund (or a payment).
value - Monetary value of the payment.
time - Timestamp for the payment.
nomask varargs void add_contract(mixed player,
int stat,
string message,
int nodeath)
Add a contract to the player. Generally this is used to add Special
contracts, but it can be used to add any kind of contract. For special
contracts, this will also keep a running tab of what crimes were
committed by the player.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
player - The player object/name to add the contract to
stat - The status of the contract. Must be between 0 and 4
nomask int add_contract_with_details(string sucker,
class contract record)
Add a contract to the books with all the details already filled in.
- Parameters:
sucker - Who the contract is on.
record - The intended contract class.
- Returns:
1 for success, 0 for failure.
nomask int add_enforcer(string name)
Add a player to the roster of Guild Enforcers. Returns 1 for success,
0 if that player is already an enforcer, or -1 if the player is
not an assassin.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
name - The name of the player to add
- Returns:
1, 0, or -1 as above
nomask int add_git(string who)
Add (or update) a player's ledger of crimes against the guild.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
who - name of the player to add
- Returns:
an integer count of the number of the player's crimes to date.
nomask int add_npc_contract(string npc,
string requested)
Add a contract on the given NPC. If it's not a valid npc
(ie not in the npc mapping), then fail.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
npc - the query_name of the NPC on whom a contract should be placed.
- Returns:
-1 if the NPC is not in the mapping, 0 if there is already a
contract, or 1 for success.
nomask int add_npc_contract_details(string name,
string short,
int val,
int auto)
Add an NPC to the mapping of inhumable targets.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
name - The NPC's set_name
short - The NPC's proper name, as it should appear in the books
val - the value of the contract, in AM dollars
auto - Set to 1 if this NPC should be on the list of automatically
generated contracts.
- Returns:
0 if there's something wrong with the parameters, -1 if there's
already an NPC on file with that set_name, 1 if successful.
nomask varargs void add_sacrosanct(string who,
int days,
int counter)
Mark someone as not able to be inhumed. They will be unable to
be contracted until time() > duration.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
who - Name of the person not to be inhumed
days - Length of time that the player will be protected, in days.
counter - What to set the counter to. if this parameter is
nonzero, duration will be taken to be a time, and directly added
into the sacrosanct entry.
nomask int allowed_to_contract(object bastard)
Check to make sure that this player is allowed to place contracts.
They are not allowed if they are disavowed from the assassinsguild,
or if they have the "cannot place contracts" property on them.
- Parameters:
bastard - the player object to check
- Returns:
1 if they are allowed, 0 if not allowed.
nomask void award_contract(string sucker,
string assassin)
Take a currently active contract and remove it from the books, and
give the assassin credit for closing it. This will set up payments
and keep the certificate up to date.
This function is access controlled.
- Parameters:
sucker - Name of the person whose contract should be closed.
assassin - Name of the assassin to give the credit to.
nomask int calc_collect_value(string who,
int aftertax)
Figure out how much a given person is owed, either pre or post taxes
and fees.
- Parameters:
who - The name of the player to calculate the value for
aftertax - Do we want pre- or post-tax value?
- Returns:
the value owed, in brass coins (monetary units)
nomask int * calc_collect_value_matrix(string who)
Returns either a 2-element integer array in the form ({ pretax, posttax })
or 0 if the person does not have any money owing.
- Parameters:
who - The name of the player to check
- Returns:
the pre and post tax amounts owed, or 0
nomask int calc_contract_cost(object sucker)
Calculate how much the guild will charge for a contract on this player.
This is based on guild level and anti-inhumation skills. This figure
will then be massaged by validate_contract.
- Parameters:
sucker - the player object to calculate the cost for.
nomask string calc_place(object player)
This is used to pass in a location to the money handler.
- Parameters:
player - The player object to check
- Returns:
The player's location, or "default" if it cannot be determined
nomask int calc_protection_cost(object wimp,
int duration)
Figure out the protection cost for a given player for a given number
of days.
- Parameters:
wimp - The player object to check
duration - The number of days to check the cost for
- Returns:
The cost, in brass coins
nomask int can_close_players(string who)
Determine whether or not a given player is allowed to view or close
PK contracts. This is determined by age, guild level, number of
(NPC) contracts closed, and whether or not the player handler says
the assassin is active.
- Parameters:
who - the name of the player to check.
- Returns:
1 if they are allowed to handle PKs, 0 otherwise.
nomask int check_last_inhumed(string who)
Check the last_inhumed entry for this player to see if it's still active.
- Parameters:
who - The name of the player to check
- Returns:
1 if they are still under protection, 0 if it has expired.
nomask int check_sacrosanct(string who)
Check whether someone has been marked as not allowed to be inhumed.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
who - Player's name
- Returns:
1 if they are not allowed to be inhumed, 0 otherwise.
nomask void clear_collect(string player)
Remove the collection entry for a player.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
player - The name of the player
nomask void clear_contract(string player)
Remove a contract for the given player/npc. Does not return any money
if it's active -- use expire_contract if that's what you want to do.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
player - The name of the player
nomask mixed clear_git_entry(string who)
Remove a player from the gits mapping. Returns 0 if they were not in
the mapping, or a copy of the entry if they were successfully removed.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
who - the name of the player to exonerate
- Returns:
0 or int *
nomask void clear_last_inhumed(string player)
Remove the last_inhumed entry for a player.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
player - The name of the player
nomask int clear_npc_inhumed(string name)
Clear the last inhumed entry for an NPC.
This function is access controlled.
- Parameters:
who - the name of the NPC to clear.
- Returns:
1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
nomask int clear_sacrosanct(string who)
Admin function to clear a sacrosanct mapping entry.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
who - the name of the player to clear
- Returns:
1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
nomask string collect_payment(object collector)
Handle the payment of wages for inhumations performed. This also
handles returning the cash in the event of an expired contract.
- Parameters:
collector - The player object doing the collecting
- Returns:
The success/fail message
nomask int collect_type(string who)
Figure out whether the given person has refunds, payments, or both
waiting for them.
- Parameters:
who - The name of the person to check.
- Returns:
An integer code.
nomask void convert_old_contracts(string reason)
Used to convert the older existing contracts whenever the contract
class changes. Always add data members at the end, and they should be
initialized within convert_contract().
- Parameters:
reason - A note to go into the log file of why the contracts are being updated.
void cost_inform_callback(string p_name,
string type)
Called by the login handler. This sets up the validation and inform
processes. Do not call this function unless you really know what you're
doing. This means you.
- Parameters:
p_name - The name of the player who is entering Discworld
type - The login type, one of login, logout, netdeath, or reconnect
nomask int decrement_crimes_for(string who)
Add (or update) a player's ledger of crimes against the guild.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
who - name of the player to update
- Returns:
an integer count of the number of the player's remaining crimes.
nomask void delayed_contract(string sucker)
A player has logged in after a contract was requested. Validate it and
inform the bastard who requested it.
- Parameters:
sucker - The player who is contracted
nomask int delete_enforcer(string name)
Remove a player from the list of Guild Enforcers. Returns 0 if they're
not an enforcer to begin with, 1 if they were successfully deleted from
the enforcer array.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
name - The name of the player to remove
- Returns:
1 or 0 as above
nomask int deposit_value_in_coffer(int amt)
Add some money into the guild coffers.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
amt - Amount of money, in base (brass coin) units.
- Returns:
The new amount in the coffer.
nomask string donate_money(object philanthropist,
mixed m_array,
string place)
This function interfaces directly with the secretaries, like
pay_for_contract and new_contract. It pays a certain amount of money
directly into the coffers.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
philanthropist - the player object doing the donating
value - how much money
place - what currency it's being paid in
- Returns:
A string for the secretary to say.
void entering(string p_name,
string type)
Called by the login handler. This sets up the validation and inform
processes. Do not call this function unless you really know what you're
doing. This means you.
- Parameters:
p_name - The name of the player who is entering Discworld
type - The login type, one of login, logout, netdeath, or reconnect
nomask void expire_contract(string sucker)
This function is used to expire a contract. This will remove it from
the books, and if it is active, return the money to the bastard who
paid for it. (note that this is not necessarily the person who requested
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
sucker - Which contract to expire
nomask void finish_up(string str,
string message,
string sucker)
Get the text of the message, and store it in the contract info.
- Parameters:
message - The contents of the message
sucker - The name of the contracted player
str - The input to be parsed for yes/no
nomask void get_message_text(string message,
string sucker)
Get the text of the message, and then pass it on to finish_up.
- Parameters:
message - The contents of the message
sucker - The name of the contracted player
nomask void inform_cost(string sucker)
Inform the contractor of the cost of the contract and ask them to go
pay up if it was accepted, or tell them why it was rejected.
- Parameters:
sucker - The target player's name
nomask void inform_customer(string bastard)
Send a message off to someone who has had at least one contract closed
for them recently.
- Parameters:
bastard - The name of the player to inform.
nomask int is_inhume_on_sight(string who)
Check if a player is inhume-on-sight
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
who - the name of the player to check
- Returns:
1 if they are inhume-on-sight, 0 if they are not
nomask string list_contractable_npcs(string place)
Give a nicely formatted table of NPCs that you can request contracts on,
and prices.
- Parameters:
place - the money area to calculate prices for.
- Returns:
the formatted table as a string.
nomask string list_enforcers()
Get a nice formatted string containing the names of the Guild Enforcers.
This function is access-controlled.
- Returns:
The formatted string
nomask string list_inhumes(string assassin)
- Parameters:
assassin - The name of the assassin to query
- Returns:
A record of the assassin's inhumes (formatted string)
nomask mapping list_sacrosanct()
Query the entire sacrosanct mapping.
This function is access-controlled.
- Returns:
the sacrosanct mapping.
nomask void make_receipt(object corpse,
string name)
This is the code that makes the receipt that's left on the bodies
of inhumed victims. NPC targets don't get a receipt.
- Parameters:
corpse - The corpse object into which the card should be moved
name - The name of the person who was just inhumed
nomask string new_contract(object bastard,
string sucker,
int nodeath)
Setup a new contract. Do some rudimentary checks and then wait until
the sucker logs in. Things are continued by delayed_contract.
- Parameters:
bastard - The person requesting the contract
sucker - The person it's being requested on
- Returns:
A string describing the status of the contract
nomask int ok_to_contract_npc(string name)
Figure out if it's ok to place a contract on this NPC yet.
- Parameters:
name - the name of the NPC to check.
- Returns:
1 if it's ok, 0 oterwise.
nomask int ok_to_inhume(object assassin,
object victim)
Check to see if the assassin can inhume the victim at this time. This
is based on the guild levels of each party, and the time elapsed since
the contract became active.
- Parameters:
assassin - The attempting assassin
victim - The intended victim
nomask string pay_for_contract(string sucker,
object bastard)
Setup a validated contract. If you have not requested the contract,
but you are PK and have enough money on you, you are allowed to pay.
However, you will get no information about the contract if you do not
have enough money on you to pay for it.
- Parameters:
sucker - The person whose contract is being paid for
bastard - The player object doing the paying.
- Returns:
A success/fail message
nomask string pay_protection_money(object wimp,
int duration)
This function interfaces directly with the secretaries, like
pay_for_contract and new_contract. It pays a certain amount of money
into the protection account for the player, a portion of that money
going to the guild coffers.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
wimp - The player object requesting protection
amt - How much to pay (in brass coins)
duration - The length of time (in days) the protection will be active.
- Returns:
A string for the secretary to say.
nomask string payment_table(string who)
Return a list of payments awaiting the given player.
This function is access controlled.
- Parameters:
who - The player to check.
- Returns:
a string containing the list of payments.
nomask void player_deleted(mixed player,
int totally)
This is called by the refresh handler when a player deletes. I can't
think of any reason why you would ever need to call this on your own,
though, so you probably shouldn't.
- Parameters:
player - The player object/name
totally - Int flag. 1 if the refresh was total, 0 if partial. Not used.
nomask varargs void player_refreshed(mixed player,
int totally,
int deleted)
This is called by the refresh handler when a player refreshes. I can't
think of any reason why you would ever need to call this on your own,
though, so you probably shouldn't.
- Parameters:
player - The player object/name
totally - Int flag. 1 if the refresh was total, 0 if partial. Not used.
deleted - Set to 1 if the player deleted instead of just refreshing.
nomask string query_all_contracts()
Return a list of all the current contracts. Creators get a more thorough
rundown of information, including times and requestors' names. Players
only see Active and Informed contracts, and if they're Guild Enforcers,
they see Special contracts as well.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
display_players - set to 1 if we are displaying player contracts.
- Returns:
A formatted string containing the contract listings
nomask string query_all_messages()
Get a list of all currently-active messages.
This function is access-controlled.
- Returns:
the formatted string
mapping query_benefactors()
nomask int query_coffer()
Check how much money is in the Guild coffers.
This function is access-controlled.
- Returns:
Amount of money, in base (brass coin) units.
nomask int query_contract(string who)
Admin function to check the status of a contract
- Parameters:
who - Player's name
- Returns:
The status of the contract, as defined in
nomask int query_contract_date(string who)
Admin function to check the date of a contract. This is the last time
when progress was made, so it changes as the contract is validated,
accepted, and paid for.
- Parameters:
who - Player's name
- Returns:
The date, in integer format
nomask string query_contract_info(string who)
Admin function to check the details of a contract. This returns a
nicely formatted string detailing the contract's specifics.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
who - Player's name
- Returns:
The formatted string
nomask int query_contract_nodeath(string who)
Admin function to check whether a contract is of the no-loss-of-life
- Parameters:
who - Player's name
- Returns:
0 if it's a 'normal' contract, 1 if the target won't lose a life.
nomask int query_contract_value(string who)
Admin function to check the value of a contract.
- Parameters:
who - Player's name
- Returns:
The value in monetary units
nomask string * query_contracts_by(string player)
This method returns a list of all the people that this person has
put a contract on.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
bastard - the person who placed the contract
- Returns:
the list of contracts they placed
nomask string * query_contracts_in_state(int status)
This method returns a list of all the people that have a contract
in a given status.
- Parameters:
state - The status of the contracts to list.
- Returns:
the list of contracts in that state.
nomask int query_enforcer(string pname)
Check if a given player is a Guild Enforcer.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
pname - The name of the assassin to query
- Returns:
1 if they are a Guild Enforcer, 0 if not.
nomask string * query_enforcers()
List all Guild Enforcers.
This function is access-controlled.
- Returns:
The array of enforcers' names
nomask int * query_git(string who)
Return the git info for a given player. Format is
({ number_of_offenses, last_offense_time })
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
who - player name to query
- Returns:
an integer array, or 0 if they are not in the books.
nomask mapping query_gits()
Return a mapping with all the git-info. Format of each entry is
({ number_of_offenses, last_offense_time })
- Returns:
a copy of the git mapping.
nomask mapping query_inhumations(string who)
Used by the certificate.
- Returns:
The inhumed mapping.
nomask mapping query_inhume_record(string assassin)
- Parameters:
assassin - The name of the assassin to query
- Returns:
A record of the assassin's inhumes, in the format (["name":val])
nomask class npc_contract query_npc_contract(string name)
Get the information for an NPC contract.
- Parameters:
name - The name of the NPC to query.
- Returns:
a 2-element array of the form ({ short, value (in AM dollars) }).
nomask mapping query_npc_contracts()
List all the possible NPC contracts.
- Returns:
a mapping with all the NPC contract information in it.
nomask int query_npc_time(string name)
Report the timestmp of this NPC's last inhumation.
- Parameters:
name - the name of he NPC to check.
- Returns:
0 if the NPC is not in the list, or the time.
nomask string query_offenses(string player)
Return a nicely formatted list thingie of a person's offenses for
their Special contract.
- Parameters:
player - The name of the player
- Returns:
The formatted result string
nomask string query_payments(object who)
If the calling object is a cre, this will return a complete listing of
payments due. Otherwise it will only return what payments are due to
the calling player.
This function is access-controlled - if you are not on the authorized
list you will not see everyone's collection info.
- Returns:
a formatted list of all the outstanding collections.
nomask int query_requested_or_paid(string sucker,
string bastard)
Check whether the bastard requested or paid for the contract on the sucker.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
sucker - The contract in question
bastard - The person to check for involvement
- Returns:
-1 if there is no contract on sucker, 0 if bastard is not
involved, 1 if they are.
nomask string * query_special_contracts()
Get a listing of all Special contracts.
- Returns:
An array of names
nomask int query_times_killed(string killer,
string sucker)
How many times has the assassin inhumed a particular victim?
- Parameters:
killer - The name of the assassin
sucker - The name of the victim
- Returns:
The number of times killer has inhumed victim
nomask int refund_insurance(string player)
Take an entry that's in the money-back trial period and refund the
money to the player.
- Parameters:
player - The name of the player to refund
- Returns:
1 for success, 0 if it couldn't do it.
nomask int remove_npc_contract(string name)
Remove an NPC from the mapping of inhumable targets.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
name - The NPC's set_name
- Returns:
0 if name is 0 or there's no NPC on file with that set_name,
1 if successful.
nomask string request_npc_contract(object bastard,
string sucker)
Internal function for requesting an NPC contract.
- Parameters:
bastard - the player object doing the requesting.
sucker - who to request the contract on.
- Returns:
a string for the secretary to say back to you.
nomask void set_contract_bastard(string sucker,
string bastard,
string reason)
Admin function to change the current bastard of the contract.
This function is access-controlled.
- Parameters:
sucker - The target of the contract
bastard - The name to change the bastard of record to
reason - Reason for changing the bastard (this is mandatory)
nomask int set_contract_nodeath(string sucker,
int nodeath)
int set_contract_status(string who,
int status)
Sets the status of a contract. Use this with caution, as you can really
bugger things up if you don't know what you're doing.
- Parameters:
who - Who the contract is on.
status - The new status.
- Returns:
The new status of the contract, or a negative error code.
int set_npc_auto_flag(string name,
int val)
Set the automatic flag for an NPC contract. Any value != 0 will be
interpreted as 1.
This funtion is access controlled.
- Parameters:
name - the NPC's name to alter.
val - The new value for the flag.
- Returns:
-1 if that npc is not in the books, 0 if the flag was already
set to that value, 1 if it was changed.
nomask varargs void someone_inhumed(object sucker,
object killer,
int nocorpse)
Called every time someone is inhumed, by the inhume command. It sets
up collection mappings as appropriate, and also updates inhume records
and last_inhumed entries. Removes the contract from the books.
- Parameters:
sucker - The poor sap who was just inhumed.
killer - Guess.
nomask string special_contract_table()
Get a nicely-formatted, sorted, columnar table of special contracts.
- Returns:
The sorted table of names
nomask void submit_message(string sucker)
Called when a player decides to submit a message annotation to a
contract. Collects some input and then calls get_message_text to
nomask void tidy_up()
This is the bookkeeping function. It handles expiring old contracts
and collections, as well as adding periodic NPC contracts. Please don't
call this function unless you know exactly what it does.