The Assassins' Guild
The Assassins' Guild is a guild for people prone to solving problems in a permanent manner. It is not for killers or common thugs -- that's the warriors guild. The Assassins' Guild kills for one reason, and one reason only -- money. Hence their motto: NIL MORTIFI SINE LUCRE ('No death without payment')
The Assassins' Guild has the following specialisations:
- fighting.defence.dodging
- fighting.melee.dagger
- fighting.range.thrown
- fighting.range.fired
- adventuring.movement.climbing.rock
- adventuring.movement.climbing.rope
- covert.stealth.inside
- covert.stealth.outside
- covert.hiding.person
- covert.lockpick.doors
- covert.lockpick.traps
- covert.items.poisons
- covert.items.traps
- covert.items.weapons
- covert.points
- fighting.defence.dodging
- fighting.melee.dagger
- fighting.melee.sword
- fighting.range.thrown
- adventuring.movement.riding.camel
- adventuring.movement.climbing.rope
- adventuring.movement.climbing.rock
- covert.stealth.inside
- covert.stealth.outside
- covert.hiding.person
- covert.hiding.object
- covert.lockpick.doors
- covert.casing.person
- covert.items.weapons
- covert.points
Mano rossa
- fighting.defence.dodging
- fighting.melee.dagger
- fighting.unarmed.grappling
- fighting.range.thrown
- adventuring.movement.climbing.rock
- adventuring.movement.climbing.tree
- covert.stealth.inside
- covert.stealth.outside
- covert.hiding.person
- covert.lockpick.doors
- covert.lockpick.traps
- covert.items.traps
- covert.casing.person
- covert.items.weapons
- covert.points
- fighting.defence.dodging
- fighting.melee.sword
- fighting.range.fired
- fighting.unarmed.striking
- adventuring.movement.climbing.rope
- people.culture.agatean
- covert.stealth.inside
- covert.stealth.outside
- covert.hiding.person
- covert.lockpick.doors
- covert.lockpick.traps
- covert.manipulation.sleight-of-hand
- covert.items.poisons
- covert.items.weapons
- covert.points
Members of the Assassins' Guild receive some or all of the following commands: