Index of o
letters can change the world, remove the l from world and you have word
- obj.crafts.workbench_inherit.c.
- OBJ_A; /include/reaction.h
The first reagent in the reaction spec.
- OBJ_B; /include/reaction.h
The second reagent in the reaction spec.
- obj_match(result, result); /include/obj_parser.h
The class used for object matching returns.
- obj_match_context(ordinal, ordinal, ordinal, ordinal, ordinal); /include/obj_parser.h
This class used to retain context over various invocations of the parser.
- obj_parser.c.
This is the object matching code.
- obj_parser.h.
THis is the header file for the object parser.
- OBJ_PARSER_AMBIGUOUS; /include/obj_parser.h
THis means an ambiguous match was noticed.
- OBJ_PARSER_AMBIGUOUS_PROP; /include/obj_parser.h
This property controls if the player will be informed of ambiguous
references or not.
- OBJ_PARSER_BAD_ENVIRONMENT; /include/obj_parser.h
This is only used inside the player objects.
- OBJ_PARSER_BAD_FRACTION; /include/obj_parser.h
The fraction specified is invalid.
- OBJ_PARSER_FRACTION; /include/obj_parser.h
It is not possible to do fractional matches on multiple objects.
- OBJ_PARSER_MATCH_PLURAL; /include/obj_parser.h
The flag to say that the match is a plural id.
- OBJ_PARSER_MATCH_SINGULAR; /include/obj_parser.h
The flag to say that the match is a singular id.
- OBJ_PARSER_MATCH_TYPE; /include/obj_parser.h
The index of the match type in the return array.
- OBJ_PARSER_NO_MATCH; /include/obj_parser.h
There was no match on the string in the text field of the obj_match
- OBJ_PARSER_NOT_ENOUGH; /include/obj_parser.h
This means that not enough of the specified object were matched.
- OBJ_PARSER_NOT_LIVING; /include/obj_parser.h
This is only used inside the player object.
- OBJ_PARSER_OBJECTS; /include/obj_parser.h
The index of the objects in the return array.
- OBJ_PARSER_SUCCESS; /include/obj_parser.h
The return result was correctly matched.
- OBJ_PARSER_TOO_DARK; /include/obj_parser.h
It is too dark to match on the string in the text field of the obj_match
- OBJ_PARSER_TYPE_EXISTENCE; /include/obj_parser.h
The value of the singular parameter, means it matches everything and
ignores failure results.
- OBJ_PARSER_TYPE_LIVING; /include/obj_parser.h
Only match living things.
- OBJ_PARSER_TYPE_NO_NESTED; /include/obj_parser.h
Disallow nested matching.
- OBJ_PARSER_TYPE_OBJECT; /include/obj_parser.h
- OBJ_PARSER_TYPE_PLAYER; /include/obj_parser.h
Match players.
- OBJ_PARSER_TYPE_SLOPPY_MATCHING; /include/obj_parser.h
Allow things like 1 carrots to match.
- OBJ_PARSER_USE_AND_AS_BREAK_PROP; /include/obj_parser.h
This property controls if the player will be use the 'and' keyword as
a break or as a regular character.
- OBJ_X; /include/reaction.h
The result of the reaction.
- OBJECT; /include/type.h
- object.c.
The basic object.
- object.eff_shad.c.
The basic object.
- object.no_eff_shad.c.
The basic object.
- object_desc(object); /std/room/inherit/placement.c
- object_desc2(object); /std/room/inherit/placement.c
- object_expressions.c.
This is the file with all the functions that get information
about objects.
- object_position_desc(object); /std/room/inherit/placement.c
- objects_to_string(object *); /obj/monster/fruitbat.c
- OBJS; /include/user_parser.h
- OBSERVATORY; /include/wizard.h
The directory that contains the observatory of the unseen university.
- OC_CRIMINAL; /include/ramtops.h
- OC_LEAKRATE; /include/potion_attrs.h
- OC_MAXVOL; /include/potion_attrs.h
- OC_MISCATTRS; /include/potion_attrs.h
- OC_MVOL; /include/potion_attrs.h
- OC_PSCOORD; /include/potion_attrs.h
- OC_PSQUANT; /include/potion_attrs.h
- OC_ROOM_SIZE; /include/ramtops.h
- OC_VOL; /include/potion_attrs.h
- OC_WVOL; /include/potion_attrs.h
- OC_X; /include/ramtops.h
- OC_Y; /include/ramtops.h
- OC_Z; /include/ramtops.h
- octarine_message(string); /global/events.c
This method will do the octarine checking for you on the message.
- ODD_JOBS; /include/forn.h
- OFF; /include/colour.h
- OFFAWARD; /include/tasks.h
- OFFENSIVE; /include/wizard.h
The old offensive spells directory.
- OFFENSIVE_DEFECITS; /include/combat.h
How far into action defecit someone will go and still try to attack
- offer(who, who); /obj/fence.c
- offer.h.
This file has all the defines for offer/accept npc handlers.
- offer_sale(value, value, value); /include/cmds/offer.h
The class for offering a sale to another player/npc.
- offered_surrender(object); /std/living/combat.c
This method is called when someone offers to surrender to the living
- office.c.
The standard inheritable object for player-run shop offices.
- OFFLE; /include/dates.h
- OFFLER; /include/player.h
The object which is offler.
- OFFLER_SHADOW; /include/player.h
The shadow offler gives you when your close to shutdown to stop certain
things from happening.
- OFFSET; /include/map_handler.h
- OFFWIN; /include/tasks.h
- OHULAN; /include/ramtops.h
- OHULAN_MARKET; /include/ramtops.h
- OHULAN_ROOM; /include/ramtops.h
- ok_to_contract_npc(string); /obj/handlers/secure_handlers/inhume.c
Figure out if it's ok to place a contract on this NPC yet.
- ok_to_inhume(object, object); /obj/handlers/secure_handlers/inhume.c
Check to see if the assassin can inhume the victim at this time.
- ok_to_shut(); /obj/handlers/converter.c
- OKRA_AVENUE; /include/forn.h
- OLD_PATTERN_STRING; /include/user_parser.h
- OLDPATH; /include/rituals.h
- OMNIA; /include/klatch.h
- ON_PATTERN; /include/talker.h
- ON_TYPE; /include/position.h
- ONE_ARG; /include/alias.h
- one_short(int); /std/basic/desc.c
This method returns an "out-of-a-group" short.
- one_short(); /std/room/basic/door.c
- ONLY_ARGUMENT; /include/soul.h
- ONLY_TARGET; /include/soul.h
- OOB_D; /include/network.h
This is the path to the intermud 3 out of band services handler.
- open_file(string); /obj/handlers/random_names.c
Read in a random name grammer from the data dir.
- open_shop.c.
This is the basic inheritable to make things check for being
- open_sylable_file(string); /obj/handlers/random_names.c
This method reads in a sylable file definition.
- open_up(); /std/shops/inherit/store_close.c
This method opens the store, summoning the shopkeeper from the void and
unlocking and opening the various exits.
- OPERA; /include/morpork.h
- opponent_loses(object, object, object); /std/effects/religious/theological_debate.c
- option(sales_name, sales_name); /obj/state_peddler.c
- OPTION_EXEC_INCLUDE; /include/cmds/options.h
The property for determining the include file to exec.
- OPTION_HANDLER; /include/cmds/options.h
This is the path to the option handler.
- OPTIONAL; /include/user_parser.h
- OPTIONAL_SPACES; /include/user_parser.h
- options.h.
This contains all the defines for the options command and the options
- options_handler.c.
This handler deals will the options a player has.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_ALL; /include/cmds/options.h
Type of option, everyone's option.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_BOOLEAN; /include/cmds/options.h
A boolean type.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_BRIEF; /include/cmds/options.h
A brief/verbose type.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_COLOUR; /include/cmds/options.h
A colour type.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_CRE_ONLY; /include/cmds/options.h
Type of option, creator only.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_DYNAMIC_GROUP; /include/cmds/options.h
A dynamic group option.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_GROUP; /include/cmds/options.h
A normal group.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_INTEGER; /include/cmds/options.h
An integer type.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_LORD_ONLY; /include/cmds/options.h
Type of option, lord only.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_NEWBIEHELPER_ONLY; /include/cmds/options.h
Type of option, newbiehelper only.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_PERCENTAGE; /include/cmds/options.h
A percentage type.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_PLAYTESTER_ONLY; /include/cmds/options.h
Type of option, playtester only.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_STRING; /include/cmds/options.h
A string type.
- OPTIONS_TYPE_TERMINAL; /include/cmds/options.h
A terminal type.
- ORDER_HANDLER; /include/wizard.h
The path of the wizard order handler.
- ORDERS; /include/wizard.h
The new order handler
- ordinal(int); /secure/simul_efun/amtime.c
Adds a "rd", "th", "st" onto a number.
- ORIGAMI_HANDLER; /include/cwc.h
The location of the Cwc origami handler.
- origin.h.
- ORIGIN_BACKEND; /include/origin.h
- ORIGIN_CALL_OTHER; /include/origin.h
- ORIGIN_CALL_OUT; /include/origin.h
- ORIGIN_DRIVER; /include/origin.h
- ORIGIN_EFUN; /include/origin.h
- ORIGIN_FUNCTION_POINTER; /include/origin.h
- ORIGIN_FUNCTIONAL; /include/origin.h
- ORIGIN_LOCAL; /include/origin.h
- ORIGIN_SIMUL_EFUN; /include/origin.h
- OS; /include/cmr.h
- other_file(string); /global/cloner.c
This method returns the mapped name of the object.
- OTHER_TM; /include/tasks.h
- our_article(art, art); /std/room/inherit/newspaper_office.c
- OUT_COLD; /include/living.h
- OUT_MAIL; /include/mail.h
The path to the smtp mail outgoing handler.
- out_of_fuel(); /obj/handlers/non_refuelling_lantern.c
- OUTSIDE; /include/wizard.h
The directory that contains the outside bits of the Unseen University.
- outside.c.
- outside.c.
- outside_base.c.
Base inherit for an outside room using the terrain map system.
- outside_day_chats(); /d/klatch/ephebe/inherit/ephebe_description_inherit.c
The roomchats for outside rooms by day.
- outside_night_chats(); /d/klatch/ephebe/inherit/ephebe_description_inherit.c
The roomchats for outside rooms by night.
- OUTSIDERUN; /include/assassin.h
- OVG; /include/cmr.h
- OVJ; /include/cmr.h
- OW; /include/cmr.h
- owned_room.c.
This is an owned room inherit.
- owned_weapon.c.
This is the effect skelton docs.
- OWNER_TIMEOUT; /include/housing.h
The amount of time for the owner to time out.
- ownership(name, name); /std/room/controller/club_room_controller.c
- ownership_change(string, string); /std/room/inherit/newspaper_office.c
This method is called by the housing system when the ownership changes.
- ownership_change(string, string); /std/room/inherit/player_housing.c
This function informs the house that its owner has changed, it does not
actually change the owner since that is done in the handler.