void accepted_surrender(object attacker)
This method is called if surrender was accepted for the particular
- Parameters:
attacker - the person who is surrendering
- See also:
int add_defender(object thing)
This method will add a defender to the current list of defenders
for this living object.
- Parameters:
thing - the defender to add
- See also:
remove_defender() and query_defenders()
void add_protection_message(string * att_mess,
class attack att)
Updates the given attack messages to include a message that
someone is jumping in front of the attack.
int add_protector(object thing)
This method will add a protector to the current list of protectors
for this living object.
- Parameters:
thing - the protector to add
- See also:
remove_protector() and query_protectors()
void adjust_action_defecit(int amount)
class attack after_attack(class attack att)
This function is called after it's all over and done (just before the
costs are charged). It can be used to do any special outcomes that
we may decide on.
Note that if you override this function in a special be absolutely certain
you know what you're doing if you return R_ABORT or R_DONE. Use of either
of these two could cause really nasty side-effects.
- Parameters:
class - attack
- Returns:
class attack
int attack_by(object opponent)
This method is called when the living object is attacked by some opponent.
- Parameters:
opponent - the opponent we are attacked by
- Returns:
0 if we cannot attack them, 1 if we can
- See also:
query_attacker_list() and attack_ob()
int attack_ob(mixed opponents)
This method is called to make us attack someone else.
- Parameters:
opponents - the opponent(s) to attack
- Returns:
0 if we cannot attack any of them, 1 if we can
- See also:
query_attacker_list() and attack_by()
object * available_attack_weapons(class attack att)
Returns the weapons the attacker in att can use with his current
class attack calc_armour_protection(class attack att)
Calculate how much of the damage is saved by the armour.
PRE: all information has been filled in except the amount of damage
stopped by armour, and which piece of armour did the stopping.
POST: The damage stopped and which armour did it is filled in.
- Parameters:
class - attack
- Returns:
class attack
class attack calc_attack_modifier(class attack att)
This method calculates the modifier to the attack.
It will take into account all the basic stuff that makes the attack
harder or easier.
PRE: All attack and response data has been filled in.
POST: The offensive modifier must be set.
- Parameters:
class - attack
- Returns:
class attack
class attack calc_damage(class attack att)
After a successful attack (or possibly a parried one) calculate the
amount of damage done to the opponent.
This method must fill in the amount of damage to be done and may adjust
the time taken too.
PRE: the outcome of an attack must have been determined.
POST: damage must be filled in.
class attack calc_defense_modifier(class attack att)
This method calculates the modifier to the defense.
It will take into account all the basic stuff that makes the defense
harder or easier.
PRE: All attack and response data has been filled in.
POST: The defensive modifier must be set.
- Parameters:
class - attack
- Returns:
class attack
int can_defend(object person,
object attacker)
Checks whether the given person can defend someone.
int can_protect(object person,
object attacker)
Checks whether the given person can defend / protect.
int caster_defense_penalty(object defender,
int base)
Modifies "base" if the defender is casting a spell or performing a
ritual, based on their feats.
class attack choose_attack(class attack att)
Determine which attack they'll use.
This picks a weapon, gets the attack data and the weapon skill and
determines how much the attack will cost.
PRE: attacker info, opponent and defender info have been set.
POST: attack weapon, attack skill, attack data, and attack_cost must
be set.
- Parameters:
class - attack
- Returns:
class attack
class attack choose_defender(class attack att)
This method is used to choose who will defend this attack. Typically this
will be the person who was attacked, however it could be someone else in
some circumstances.
PRE: attacker, attack and opponent information has been set.
POST: defender and person_hit must be set.
- Parameters:
class - attack
- Returns:
class attack
class attack choose_defense(class attack att)
Will the defender defend or not? If so, with what skill and weapon and at
what action cost?
PRE: all attack data and opponent and defender data have been set.
POST: defense type, skill and weapon must be set. If defense_action
is "none" the defender will have a big negative modifier.
- Parameters:
class - attack
- Returns:
class attack
void combat_feedback(object player,
string * messages,
int level,
object wpn)
int defend_cost(object defender)
void do_attack()
This performs the actual attack itself.
All attack data, everything we know about the attacker and the defender
is stored in the attack class which is passed into and back by every
function at every step of the attack.
object do_surrender(object thing)
This method will be called when we surrender. This does mean that
the opponent must have accepted our surrender plea.
- Parameters:
thing - the thing which made us surrender
- Returns:
always returns 0
int * dodge_modifier(object defender,
object attacker,
object attack_weapon,
int dodge_defense_bonus,
string attack_type,
int give_feedback)
This method calculates the modifier to the defense if the defense
is parrying, and gives combat feedback if required.
int dont_attack_me()
void end_combat()
This method is called when combat ends. You can overload this function
to make your NPC do things at the end of combat.
You do not need to call ::end_combat() since this is just a stub function.
void event_surrender(object victim,
object * attackers)
This method tells us what the npc shouuld do in the case that it
might possibly surrender.
- Parameters:
victim - the person surrendering
attacker - the person beating up the surrenderer
void fight_in_progress(object thing)
This method is called when there is a fight in progress. It will
propogate the event onto all the objects in the room.
- Parameters:
thing - the person fighting
void give_zone_failure_message(class attack att)
string height_related_zone(object target,
object protector,
string zone)
Comparing heights between the target and the protector, and
assuming the target is hit in the zone, return what zone
position in the protector that roughly corresponds to (not very
precise, but if zones are ordered top-down, this should give
roughly the right idea).
This returns 0 if the zone is likely to be above the protector.
varargs int is_fighting(object ob,
int actively)
This method determines whether or not the object is fighting another
object. Cannot fight invisible people.
- Parameters:
ob - the object being tested
actively - is the opponent being actively fought at this time?
- Returns:
1 if it is in combat, 0 if it is not.
varargs object item_in_hand(string hand,
object person)
Returns the object held in the given hand, or 0 if they are not
holding anything in it (or there is no hand).
varargs object * items_in_hand(string hand,
object person)
Returns an array containing either the object held in the given
hand, if the hand is valid, all items if the given hand is "both",
or the empty array if nothing is held or the hand is invalid.
void monitor_points()
string mounted_zone(object target,
object attacker,
string original_zone)
If the target is mounted on a horse, attacks from non-mounted opponents
will land on lower zones. Conversely, if the attacker is mounted on a
horse, attacks on non-mounted opponents will land on higher zones.
This returns the zone that an attack will land in instead.
string nearby_zone(object person,
string zone,
int dist)
Returns a zone "near" the given zone, with a higher chance given
to closer zones.
void offered_surrender(object victim)
This method is called when someone offers to surrender to the living
object. It will check the current tactics for surrender and then
handle the response appropriately.
- Parameters:
victim - the person surrendering
void opponent_died(object opponent,
object corpse)
This is called by /std/living/corpse to notify us that the opponent
int * parry_modifier(object defender,
object attacker,
object defense_weapon,
object attack_weapon,
int parry_defense_bonus,
int distance,
int give_feedback)
This method calculates the modifier to the defense if the defense
is parrying or blocking, and gives combat feedback if required.
int protect_cost(object defender)
int protect_defend_cost(object defender)
string protector_zone(object target,
object protector,
string original_zone)
If the target is being hit in original_zone, but protector jumps
in front of it, return an alternative zone in which protector is
hit instead.
int query_action_defecit()
string * query_arcane_shields()
varargs int query_attackable(string cmd)
Is this object attackable or not?
The cmd is 0 if it is from inside the combat system itself and the name
of the command otherwise.
- Returns:
1 or 0 for true or false.
varargs object * query_attacker_list(int dont_remove_nulls)
This method returns the current list of people in the attacker list
on the object.
- Parameters:
dont_remove_nulls - If true, null objects won't be removed from the
list. This is a bit quicker, but requires care when used
- Returns:
the current attacker array
int query_can_attack()
Decide if we will attack this round or not. This function can be
overloaded if necessary. It also checks for the property "cannot attack"
on this object. If the property is set the object cannot attack.
- Returns:
1 if we want to, 0 if we don't.
int query_can_defend()
Decide if we are able to defend ourselves this time or not.
This function can be overloaded if necessary. It also checks for the
property "cannot defend"
on this object. If the property is set the object cannot defend.
- Returns:
1 if we want to, 0 if we don't.
class combat_information query_combat()
string query_combat_attack()
string query_combat_attitude()
string query_combat_distance()
string query_combat_focus()
string query_combat_mercy()
string query_combat_parry()
string query_combat_response()
int query_combat_testing()
object query_concentrating()
int query_defend()
Is this object prepared to try to defend someone else at this time?
- Returns:
1 or 0 for true or false.
object * query_defenders()
This method returns the current array of defenders on the living
object. This is the people who are protecting us, so if we are hit
make them attack the hitter.
- Returns:
the current defenders array
- See also:
add_protector() and remove_protector()
int query_distance(object opponent)
Query the distance from this object to the given opponent.
- Parameters:
opponent - the object to check
int query_fighting()
Is the player currently fighting anyone.
- Returns:
1 for yes, 0 for no.
string query_last_action()
This method returns the last (combat) action performed.
- Returns:
string the action.
object query_last_opponent()
This method returns the last known opponent we attacked or defended
against. It is kept as up to date as the system can manage and so will
include anyone who is currently attacking us or who we are currently
- Returns:
object the opponent.
int query_last_result()
This method returns the result of the last combat round.
- Returns:
int the result.
object query_last_weapon()
This method returns the last weapon we used for an attack or defense.
- Returns:
object the weapon.
string query_monitor_string()
Returns the raw monitor string.
- Returns:
The monitor string, 0 for the default monitor
int query_protect()
Is this object prepared to try to protect someone else at this time?
- Returns:
1 or 0 for true or false.
object * query_protectors()
This method returns the current array of protectors on the living
object. This is the people who are protecting us, so if we are hit
make them attack the hitter.
- Returns:
the current protectors array
- See also:
add_protector() and remove_protector()
class combat_special * query_specials()
List the specials currently registered for this npc/player.
- Returns:
an array of combat_special classes.
class surrender_information query_surrender()
object * query_surrenderers()
This method returns the current list of people surrendering to us.
- Returns:
the list of people surrendering
- See also:
class tactics query_tactics()
This method returns the current tactics set using the tactics class.
- See also:
int query_unarmed_parry()
varargs string query_used_combat_response(string default_response)
Selects one of parry, dodge or block based on the player's
preferences. This handles the random selection when a player is
set to neutral response, and the selection of block for a player
set to parrying but using shields.
Note that in cases where the player's preferences do not allow for
a defence --- i.e. when parrying but having unarmed parry disabled
and not holding weapons, or when blocking while not holding a
shield --- the string parameter default_response is returned. If
this default is not given, then 0 is returned.
void recalc_hunting_list()
void refused_surrender(object attacker)
This method is called if surrender was refused for the particular
- Parameters:
attacker - the person who is surrendering
- See also:
int register_special(int type,
int events,
mixed callback,
mixed data)
Register a combat special.
The combat system maintains a list of combat specials. These specials can
be used to override or alter any facet of a combat attack (or defense).
A special must register what type of special it is:
T_OFFENSIVE - an offensive special
T_DEFENSIVE - a defensive special
T_CONTINUOUS - can be used with one of the above to indicate that the
special is continuous and not a one-time event.
T_PRIORITY - Must be used in conjunction with one of the previous types. If
it is set, then the special is added to the beginning of the
list, rather than the end.
It also indicates which stages of combat it wants to be notified of:
E_OPPONENT_SELECTION - selection of an opponent
E_DEFENDER_SELECTION - selection of the defender
E_ATTACK_SELECTION - selecting which attack the attacker will perform
E_DEFENSE_SELECTION - selection of the method of defense
E_ATTACK_MODIFIER - calculating the modifier for attack (how easy/hard it
E_DEFENSE_MODIFIER - doing the same for the defense
E_DAMAGE_CALCULATION - calculating how much damage the attack can do
E_ARMOUR_CALCULATION - calculating how much damage the armour will stop
E_WEAPON_DAMAGE - performing damage to the weapons involved
E_WRITE_MESSAGES - writing out the success/failure messages
E_AFTER_ATTACK - any post-attack cleanup.
The special provides the combat system with a callback function to be
called and any additional data the special wants tracked by the combat
Then, when combat reaches one of the stages requested it calls the callback
function. This function is passed the stage we're at, all the data for this
attack and also the extra data the special requested.
The callback can then modify any aspect of the attack data (it could change
the attack skill, the defensive weapon, the defense modifier, anything at
all) and then return back into combat.
The return tells the combat system what to do next. The options are:
R_PASSTHRU - indicates that the special hasn't done anything; if more than
one special for this attacker / defender is registered, the combat system
will simply try the next special instead, otherwise we fall through to the
combat system's standard behaviour.
R_CONTINUE - indicates that the special HAS done something, or is planning
to, but we should continue with the combat system's standard behaviour, as
though the special hadn't done anything.
R_DONE - treat this step as completed.
R_ABORT - abort the attack
R_REMOVE_ME - do one of the above and then remove the special.
R_IGNORE_ROUND - do one of the above, and note that in the current combat
action sequence, this special will not do anything anymore, and should not
get called.
Note that it is possible for multiple specials to be registered for the
same attacker / defender. In this case, in each phase the specials will
be called in the order they were added (except that priority specials are
added to the front of the list, not the back). The first special to
return R_CONTINUE or R_DONE in any stage is set as the current special
for that person; during this attack, only this special will be called for
any stage, until either the special is removed, or the attack ends.
Also note that it is possible that the stages E_DEFENDER_SELECTION ..
E_POST_DEFENSE_MODIFIER are called twice: if the opponent is being
defended, and the defender fails the skillcheck, then if the special
has not yet removed itself, these stages will be called again to allow
the opponent to defend himself. The data for the current attacker and
defender special will be reset to the values they had after
E_OPPONENT_SELECTION if this happens.
- Parameters:
type - Is this an offensive or defensive special.
events - A bitmap of the events this special is interested in.
callback - the function to be called. A mixed array containing
an object and a function string.
data - A mixed variable containing any data you want stored
and passed in (often used to record info about the special)
- Returns:
the id of the special.
- Example:
This example registers a special that causes the player to be unable to
defend themselves for three rounds.
id = player->register_special(T_DEFENSIVE | T_CONTINUOUS,
({ base_name(), "callback" }),
({ player, 0}));
mixed *callback(int stage, class attack att, mixed data) {
// If it's not our player defending we won't do anything.
if(att->defender != data[1])
return ({ R_CONTINUE, att, data });
switch(stage) {
case E_DEFENSE_SELECTION: // We won't let them defend themselves!
att->defense_action = "none";
return ({ R_DONE, att, data });
// If they managed to defend themself, turn it into a failure.
if(att->result == DEFWIN || att->result == DEFAWARD)
att->result = OFFWIN;
// By using R_CONTINUE they take 500 hits _plus_ the normal damage.
att->damage = 500;
// The R_REMOVE_ME causes our special to disappear once we've hurt
// them three times.
if(data[1] > 3)
return ({ R_CONTINUE | R_REMOVE_ME, att, data });
return ({ R_CONTINUE, att, data });
void remove_attacker_list(object ob)
This method removes someone from an attacker/hunting list.
- Parameters:
ob - the object to be removed.
int remove_defender(object defender)
This method will remove a defender to the current list of defenders
for this living object.
- Parameters:
thing - the defender to remove
- Returns:
1 for success, 0 for failure.
- See also:
add_defender() and query_defenders()
void remove_noncont_specials()
This method removes all non-continuous specials. It is called by the
"stop" command.
- Returns:
1 for success, 0 for failure
int remove_protector(object protector)
This method will remove a protector to the current list of protectors
for this living object.
- Parameters:
thing - the protector to remove
- Returns:
1 for success, 0 for failure.
- See also:
add_protector() and query_protectors()
int remove_special(int id)
Remove a combat special.
- Parameters:
id - The id of the special
- Returns:
1 for success, 0 for failure
void remove_surrenderer(object victim)
This method removes a person surrendering from our current list.
- Parameters:
victim - the person to remove
- See also:
void reset_attack_limb()
The limb you attacked with last is remembered, and you receive a
penalty for reusing it. If a new attack should _not_ penalise
reusing a limb (and not prioritise using another limb!), call
this function to reset the limb before choosing an attack.
void reset_defenders()
This method resets the defender array back to being nothing.
void reset_protectors()
This method resets the protector array back to being nothing.
void set_combat_attack(string attack)
void set_combat_attitude(string attitude)
void set_combat_distance(string distance)
void set_combat_focus(string focus)
void set_combat_mercy(string mercy)
void set_combat_parry(string parry)
void set_combat_response(string response)
void set_combat_testing(int value)
int set_concentrating(object thing)
int set_distance(object opponent,
int distance)
Set the distance from this object to the given opponent.
- Parameters:
opponent - the object to set the distance to.
distance - the new distance.
void set_monitor_string(string str)
Sets the monitor string.
- Parameters:
str - The string to set the monitor string to
int set_special_data(int id,
mixed data)
Update the user data for a specific special.
- Parameters:
id - The id of the special
data - The data to be set
- Returns:
True or false for success or failure
void set_specials(class combat_special * specials)
Directly set the special list. Use with care!
- Parameters:
class - combat_special *
void set_tactics(class tactics new_tactics)
This sets the current attitude to use in combat.
- Parameters:
attitude - the new combat attitude
- See also:
void set_unarmed_parry(int parry)
void start_combat(object opponent)
This method is called when combat starts. You can overload this function
to make your NPC do things at the start of combat.
You do not need to call ::start_combat() since this is just a stub function.
- Parameters:
opponent - The first opponent to be attacked.
void stop_all_fight()
void stop_fight(object opponent)
void stop_hunting(object opponent)
void stopped_fighting(object thing)
This method is called when the fight has stopped. It propogates the
stopped fighting event onto all the objects in the room.
- Parameters:
thing - the thing which stopped fighting?