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File /std/shops/inherit/player_craft_shop.c

This is the file containing extra controls for the player run craft shop. We will assume that all player run craft shops will be rooms and not npcs.

Written by Pinkfish

Started Fri Apr 21 13:37:44 PDT 2000


This class inherits the following classes /std/shops/inherit/craft_shop_category.c and /std/basic/expressions.c


This class includes the following files /include/expressions.h, /include/am_time.h, /include/shops/bank.h, /include/money.h, /include/playtesters.h, /include/mail.h, /include/player.h, /include/nroff.h, /include/clubs.h, /include/move_failures.h, /include/player_handler.h and /include/shops/craft_shop.h

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Public Functions

These are functions that everyone can access.
