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Written by Pinkfish
Started Fri Apr 21 13:37:44 PDT 2000
object * add_to_approval_list(string seller, object * sellables, int value, string name, string category, int approved)This method adds an item to the list of items that need to be approved.
void add_transaction(string person, object * objects, int type, int amount, string name_cat, mixed extra)This method adds in transaction into the transaction list.
void adjust_owners_money(int amt)This method changes the current level of the owners money.
void adjust_royalty(string name, int amount)This method adjusts the royalty.
object create_checkout_object(class approval_obs approve, int id, object player)This method turns all the specified id into an item to be checked.
int destroy_checkout_object(object ob)This method updates the checked out item and changes to to be what we now have...
int do_add_new_category(string category)This method allows the player to add a new category to the list.
int do_approve_auto_expression_add(string expression, string value_str, int type, string list_name)This method sets the automatic expressions to allow.
int do_approve_auto_expression_remove(string idstr)This method removes an allowed expression
int do_approve_auto_high(string cost)This method sets the automatic high cut off level.
int do_approve_auto_high_deny(string cost)This method sets the automatic high cut off level for denying sales.
int do_approve_auto_item_add(string item, string money, string list_name, int markup, string money_str)This method sets the automatic items to allow.
int do_approve_auto_item_add_expr(string item, string expr, string list_name, int markup, string money_str)This method sets the automatic items to allow.
int do_approve_auto_item_add_object(object * obs, string money, string list_name, int markup, string money_str)This method sets the automatic items to allow.
int do_approve_auto_item_add_object_expr(object * obs, string expr, string list_name, int markup, string money_str)This method sets the automatic items to allow.
int do_approve_auto_item_remove(string item)This method sets the automatic items to allow.
int do_approve_auto_item_remove_object(object * obs)This method sets the automatic items to allow.
int do_approve_auto_item_test(object * obs)This method checks to see if the specified object can really be sold or not automatically.
int do_approve_auto_low(string cost)This method sets the automatic low acception level.
int do_approve_black_list_add(string name)This method adds the person to the black list.
int do_approve_black_list_add_ignore()This method adds their ignore list to the black list
int do_approve_black_list_remove(string name)This method removes the person from the black list.
int do_approve_browse(string name)This method browses the specified item.
int do_approve_buy_expression(string str)This method sets up the expression to use when calculating the ability to buy from the shop.
int do_approve_category_change(string name, string new_category)This method changes the category of the item waiting to be approved.
int do_approve_checkin(object * obs)This method checks in a checked out object.
int do_approve_checkout(string name)This method checks out the specified item.
int do_approve_item(string name, string money_str)This method approves the specified item.
int do_approve_limit(string limit)This method sets the limit on number of items sellable by all the players.
int do_approve_limit_person_items(string name, string value)This method sets the limit per person to be a specified value.
int do_approve_limit_person_remove(string name)This method removes any limits set on the player.
int do_approve_limit_person_value(string name, string money)This method sets the limit at which a person can automatically sell to the shop.
int do_approve_limit_person_value_deny(string name, string money)This method sets the limit at which a person can automatically sell to the shop (deny limit).
int do_approve_name_change(string name, string new_name)This method changes the name of the item to be approved.
int do_approve_pay_deficit()This method pays off the cash deficit (if one exists).
int do_approve_percentage(mixed num)This method sets the percentage to add to the sell price.
int do_approve_reject(string name, string mess, int reject_pos)This method rejects the specified item.
int do_approve_status(int status)This method shows the current status of the shop.
int do_approve_status_functions(int hints)This method shows the status of all the user defined functions. These can be used in other exciting functions.
int do_approve_status_internal_functions()This method shows the status of all the user defined functions. These can be used in other exciting functions.
int do_approve_use_expression(string str)This method sets up the expression to use when calculating the ability to use the shop.
int do_check_sell(object * obs)This method runs through the objects and checks to see what sort of levels they are allowed to sell them for to this shop.
int do_collect_partial_royalties(string amount)This method collects royalities up to a certain amount. This is only usable by the owner of the shop.
int do_function_help(string name)Get help on a specific function.
int do_function_help_list()Get help on a specific function.
int do_list_approval(int approved)List the items for approval.
int do_list_categories()This method lists the current categories and shows us which one is currently the default.
int do_name_shop(string name)This method gives the shop a name.
int do_remove_category(string category)This method allows the player to remove a category from the list.
int do_remove_sign()This method removes the sign from the shop.
int do_rename_category(string category, string new_category)This method allows the player to remove a category from the list.
int do_return(string name)This method returns the item to the person that started to sell it. This only works before the item has been approved.
int do_set_default_category(string default_cat)This method sets the default category for the place.
int do_set_sign(object * obs)This method sets the sign you wish to use for your shop. The sign will be displayed outside the shop for passer bys.
int do_stats_items(int type)This method shows the stats on all the sold items, the number and value of each one sold.
int do_stats_money()This method shows stats about money and stuff in the shop.
int do_stats_transactions()This method shows a list of all the transactions that have occured in the shop.
int do_user_function_add(string def, string expr)This method allows a function to be added to the base set of user functions.
int do_user_function_remove(string name)This method allows a function to be added to the base set of user functions.
void inform_of_royalties(object player)Tells the playe they have some royalties to pick up.
int is_allowed_to_use_shop(string person)This method checks to see if the shop is a closed shop and then checks to see if the person is allowed.
int is_checkout_object(object ob)This method checks to see if the specified item is a checked out item.
mixed is_item_approved(string seller, int value, string name, object * sellables, string category, int ref final_cost)This method checks to see if the specified item is approved.
class approval_obs query_approval_class(string name)This method returns the approval class from the string name. THis is assumed to be called from inside a command.
class approval_obs * query_approval_list(int approved)This method returns the current approval list for the shop.
string query_letter_value(int pos)This method returns the position as a two letter value.
int query_maximum_inventory_size()This method returns the maximum inventory size for the shop.
int query_maximum_sale_value(string person, object * obs)This method will return the maximum value at which the set of items will be denied.
int * query_maximum_sale_value_both(string person, object item)This method finds out the maximum value that this item is allowed to be sold for based on the current settings of the shop.
int query_maximum_waiting_queue_size()This method returns the maximum inventory size for the shop.
int query_number_of_items_listed(string name)This method returns the number of items currently in the shop by the specified person. This includes items waiting for approval.
int query_number_value(string letter)This method goes from a letter value to a number.
int query_owners_money()This method returns the current level of the owners money.
string query_parcel_post()This method tells us the current parcel post used for rejecting items.
int query_round_prices()This method returns the amount to round all sell values for.
int query_royalty(string name)This method returns the royalties for the specific person.
string query_shop_name()This method returns the name of the shop.
object query_sign_object()This method returns the current sign object for the shop.
string query_transaction_string(class shop_transaction trans)This method truns a transaction into a string.
void remove_from_approval_list(class approval_obs approve)This method removes the item from the approval list.
void return_all_checkedout_objects()This method returns all the checkedout objects to the shop.
void set_maximum_inventory_size(int size)This method sets the maximum inventory size for the shop.
void set_maximum_waiting_queue_size(int size)This method sets the maximum inventory size for the shop.
void set_parcel_post(string parcel)This method sets the parcel post to use for rejecting items.
void set_round_price(int round)THis method sets the amount to round all the sell values for. THis is deal with annoying currencies like AM money which does not have a '1' item.
void set_shop_name(string name)This method sets the name of the shop.
void set_sign_object(object ob)This method sets the current sign object.
void check_remove_category(string answer, string category)This method is called into to check to see if we can remove the category.
void confirm_approval(string answer, class approval_obs approve, int final_cost)
int create_auto_load_file(mixed ob, int fixed_num)This method creates a save file for the specified objects autoloading capability. If the number to write to is non-null then it will write to that object.
object create_real_auto_load_object(int num, object player)This method creates a real object from the save file number.
class approval { mixed hairy; class expression_type * expressions; int low_cost; int high_cost; mapping items; int num_allowed; int high_cost_deny; }
class approval_item { mixed value; string list_name; int markup; int final_cost; }
class approval_obs { string seller; string category; int value; string name; int * saved; int enter_time; int * checkout; }
class expression_type { int type; class parse_node * condition; class parse_node * value; string list_name; }
class seller_information { int max_sellable; int value_limit; int deny_value_limit; }
class shop_stats { int num_sold; int value_sold; }
class shop_transaction { int time; string person; string objects; string name_cat; int type; int amount; mixed extra; }