class club_archive {
int archive_date;
string subject;
string matter;
This class is used for the archives in elected clubs.
- Members:
subject - the subject of the archive
matter - the actual matter of the archive
class club_transaction {
string who;
int amount;
int transaction_type;
int date;
string information;
This class is used to keep track of financial transactions for
each club.
- Members:
who - who made the transaction
amount - Amount of the transaction
transaction_type - type of the transaction
date - the date at which the transaction occured
information - the information about the transaction
class discussion_idea {
int id;
int time_added;
int time_finish;
int discuss_type;
string added_by;
string name;
string information;
mapping choices;
string * voted;
mixed optional_data;
This class is for a discussion idea associated with a club.
- Members:
id - the unique id of the discusion idea
time_added - the time the discussion item was added
discuss_type - the type of the item up for discusion
added_by - the name of the member who added the item
information - entered by the person when they added the discussion
name - the name of the person who added the item
choices - the choices and votes for the discussion
voted - who has voted for the item
optional_data - the extra data associated with the idea
class family_response_data {
string family;
string relationship;
This defines the class to use for accepting into families.
- Members:
family - the family name
relationship - the relationship type
class relationship_data {
string related_to;
string relationship;
This class defines the stuff which shows the relationships between the
two people.
- Members:
related_to - who they are related to
relationship - the relationship between the two people