varargs void adjust_money(mixed amount,
string type)
This method adjusts the amount ofmoney the player has.
It redirects the call off the the money object and calls the
adjust_money() function on it. The amount can be a money
array, in which case it will adjust the size by the members
of the money array.
If the money object doesn't exist yet, this function
might create a new money object. The exception is that if
the amount argument is 0, nothing happens.
- Parameters:
amount - the amount to adjust the money by
type - the type of coin to adjust
- See also:
int give_money(int base,
int rand,
string type)
This method is used to give some startup money to the npc.
- Parameters:
base - the base amount ofmoney to give (fixed)
rand - the random amount ofmoney to give
type - the type of money to give (default: "copper")
- Returns:
the return value of adjust_money()
- See also:
- Example:
ob = clone_object(CLUCKY_CHICKEN);
// This will give the chicken 10 + random(10) royals.
// It is a royal chicken
ob->give_money(10, 10, "royal");
varargs void pay_money(mixed m_array,
string where)
This method makes the player make a payment. This is used for
shops and things.
- Parameters:
m_array - the money to pay
where - the money area to make the payment in
- See also:
int query_money(string type)
This method returns all of the money of a certain type on the
money object.
- Parameters:
type - the type of money to return
- Returns:
the number of those money items
- See also:
query_value() and query_value_in()
mixed * query_money_array()
This method returns the money array associated with the money on
the player object.
- Returns:
the money array on the player object
- See also:
object query_money_object(int force)
This method returns the money object for the player. If the force
flag is set then the object will be created if it does not
- Parameters:
force - make the money object exist
int query_value()
This method returns the value of the money as an integer. This is
an absolute value of their worth.
- Returns:
an integer value of their money
- See also:
int query_value_in(string where)
This method returns the value of the money as in integer in the specified
- Parameters:
where - the place in which to determine the money from
- Returns:
the integer value of money
- See also:
query_value() and query_money()
void set_money_array(mixed * new_array)
This method sets the money array associated with the player. THis
will overwrite any current money on the player.
- Parameters:
new_array - the new money array for the player
- See also:
void setup_money(int value,
string area)
This method provides a way to automatically distribute an amount of
money in a particular currency, rather than adding each element seperately.
- Parameters:
value - The value of currency to give, as per set_value