[Package Index | Mudlib Index | Effect Index]
varargs int adjust_money(mixed amount, string type)
void check_adjectives()This method goes through the coins and sets up all the adjectives and plurals it needs to.
object create_proxy_object_minus(class proxy_data * input)This creates a proxy object with the various bits of money removed from it.
int find_best_fit(string name)
int * find_best_fit_with_plural(mixed word)
void fixup_money_weight()This method fixes up the weight of the money object to be what it should be.
void fixup_reversed_array()ignore yes
void force_no_join()
object merge_coins()This method merges two coin object together. Or attempts to anyway. This will occur whenever a coin object moves.
object new_money_object(mixed number, string type)This method creates a new money object from the current object. It uses the current objects values to make the money and removes the avlues from the coins.
void proxy_merge_object(object * obs, object proxy)This method handles the proxy call that merges the two objects together. It adds the money array from the current object and the new one together, so long as they don't overlap.
int query_already_joined()
int query_collective()
int query_merger()
int query_money(string type)This method returns the amount of type of money there is in the array.
mixed * query_money_array()
int query_no_join()
int query_number_coins()This method returns the number of coins in the object.
void reset_already_joined()
void reset_no_join()
void set_already_joined()
void set_money_array(mixed * new_array)
void set_no_join()
class proxy_data { int number; string type; }