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void add_pocket(string type, int amount)This method adds a pocket onto the clothing.
When setting the amount a pocket can hold use the following guide:
o==================o==============o========o | Type of Clothing | example type | amount | o==================o==============o========o | Aprons | front | 8-10 | |------------------+--------------+--------| | Coats | side | 6-7 | | | inside | 5 | |------------------+--------------+--------| | Corsets | cleavage | 2 | |------------------+--------------+--------| | Dresses | side | 2-3 | |------------------+--------------+--------| | Hats | inside | 2-6 | |------------------+--------------+--------| | Jackets | side | 2-3 | | | inside | 2-3 | |------------------+--------------+--------| | Robes | side | 5 | | | sleeve | 2 | |------------------+--------------+--------| | Shirts | breast | 2-3 | |------------------+--------------+--------| | Skirts | side | 4 | |------------------+--------------+--------| | Trousers | side | 4 | | | back | 2 | |------------------+--------------+--------| | Underwear | front | 1-2 | | | breast | 1-2 | | | cleavage | 2 | o==================o==============o========o
void break_me()This method causes the object to be broken.
int query_clothing()This method will return true if the item is an item of clothing.
int query_is_pair()
string query_objective()
string query_pocket_mess()This method returns the message associated with the pocket.
mixed * query_pockets()This method returns all the pockets on the object.
string query_pronoun()
void remove_pockets()This method removes all pockets from the clothing.
void replace_me()
void set_is_pair(int comes_in_pairs)
void set_pocket_mess(string words)This method sets the message associated with the pocket.
void setup_clothing(int number)This method sets up the condition for the clothing.