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See also:
/obj/container.c, /obj/baggage.c, /obj/vessel.c and /obj/clothing.c
Written by Pinkfish
nomask void add_tracked_items(int n_items)This method handles the addition of tracked items. Tracked items want to be notified if the container moves.
int add_weight(int n)This method is called in the move functions, it adds extra weight onto the object when something is moved inside it.
int can_find_match_recurse_into(object looker)This method allows the container to have stuff inside it checked.
int can_find_match_reference_inside_object(object thing, object looker)This method checks to see if the find match code can actually reference this object inside us.
nomask void disable_item_tracking()This method disables item tracking
int do_restore_inventory_error(object ob, int move_flag)This method handles the case where the return of the move flag is not MOVE_OK. This can do whatever we want to make it work in a more useful fashion.
nomask void enable_item_tracking()This method enables item tracking
nomask void event_container_move(object mover, mixed from, mixed to)This method handles the movement of the containers of this object. Tracked items want to be notified if the container moves or anything containing it does. The movement of the outmost moving container is propagated down to all tracked items.
void event_move_object(mixed from, mixed to)This method is called from move to notify any tracked items contained of the move using event_container_moved.
object * find_inv_match(string words, object looker)This method finds the matching objects inside this object that are visible to the looker. This will also use the registered containers and add them into the array returned (if visible and contained in the object).
int query_complete_weight()This method returns the complete weight of the object. This is the weight of the container itself, plus the weight of the things inside it
int query_fullness(int number)This method returns the fullness of the container based on a number from 0 to the passed in number.
int query_loc_weight()This method returns the current local weight in this container.
int query_max_items()This method returns the maximum number of items that can be carried in this container.
int query_max_weight()This method returns the maximum amount of weight that can be carried in this container.
string query_ownership()This returns who owns the container, if it set to 0 then no one owns it. This is used in the theft determination for the object.
object query_player()This method returns the player who is loading the container during the autoload sequence.
int query_prevent_insert()If this is true, this container cannot be put into other containers.
nomask int query_tracked_items()This method returns the number of tracked item contained. Tracked items want to be notified if the container moves.
nomask void remove_tracked_items(int n_items)This method handles the removal of tracked items. Tracked items want to be notified if the container moves.
int reset_prevent_insert()This allows this container to be put into other containers (default).
void set_max_items(int number)This method sets the maximum number of items that can be carried in this container.
void set_max_weight(int number)This method sets the maximum amount of weight that can be carried in this container.
void set_ownership(string word)This sets who owns the container, if it set to 0 then no one owns it. This is used in the theft determination for the object.
void set_player(object thing)This method is used in the auto loading sequence to set the player who is loading the container.
int set_prevent_insert()items21 stops this container from being put into other containers.
nomask void set_tracked_item_status_reason(string reason)This method is called to adjust the status reason. occurences.
int test_add(object ob, int flag)This method allows things to be added into us. If we have an environment check that for the ability to add into us.
int test_item_limit(int num)This method verifies to make sure that the max item container limit is not broken.
int test_remove(object thing, int flag, mixed dest)This method checks to see if the object can be taken out of us.
void update_loc_weight()This method determins the current local weight from all the objects inside the container
int handle_restore_inventory(object ob)This method handles moving objects into the inventory from an auto load. This should be over ridden by things inheriting us to make sure that the objects can be moved into the inventory. It should handle the bypassing of open/close/locked etc flags.