Index of u
letters can change the world, remove the l from world and you have word
- UBERWALD; /include/ramtops.h
- udp.h.
- UDP_AFFIRMATION_A; /include/udp.h
- UDP_BOARD_Q; /include/udp.h
- UDP_GFINGER_A; /include/udp.h
- UDP_GFINGER_Q; /include/udp.h
- UDP_GTELL; /include/udp.h
- UDP_GWIZMSG; /include/udp.h
- UDP_LOCATE_A; /include/udp.h
- UDP_LOCATE_Q; /include/udp.h
- UDP_MAIL_A; /include/udp.h
- UDP_MAIL_Q; /include/udp.h
- UDP_MUDLIST_A; /include/udp.h
- UDP_MUDLIST_Q; /include/udp.h
- UDP_NO_CONTACT; /include/udp.h
- UDP_PATH; /include/udp.h
- UDP_PING_A; /include/udp.h
- UDP_PING_Q; /include/udp.h
- UDP_RWHO_A; /include/udp.h
- UDP_RWHO_Q; /include/udp.h
- UDP_SHUTDOWN; /include/udp.h
- UDP_STARTUP; /include/udp.h
- UDP_SUPPORT_A; /include/udp.h
- UDP_SUPPORT_Q; /include/udp.h
- UDP_WARNING; /include/udp.h
- UID; /include/peopler.h
The players user id.
- UK_DST; /include/dst.h
The UK daylight saving time offset.
- UNALIAS_CMD; /include/alias.h
The unalias command object.
- UNAME; /include/ftp.h
- UNCOMPRESSED_FULL; /include/login_handler.h
- UNDER_WELL; /include/weezent.h
- UNDERGROUND_LAKE; /include/ramtops.h
- UNDERWORLD; /include/underworld.h
- underworld.h.
- unguarded(function); /secure/simul_efun/unguarded.c
This does an unguarded apply.
- unguarded.c.
Cotains some simul_efuns.
- uniq_array(mixed *); /secure/simul_efun/modified_efuns.c
This method will return an array that contains no duplicates.
- uniq_array(mixed *); /secure/simul_efun/uniq_array.c
This method will return an array that contains no duplicates.
- uniq_array.c.
Cotains some simul_efuns.
- UNIQUE; /include/virtual_room.h
- unique_name(string); /obj/handlers/random_names.c
Return a name that is not banished or a player name already.
- unique_npc(next_regen_time); /include/hospital.h
This class stores all the information about unique NPCs.
- unique_npc(next_regen_time); /obj/handlers/hospital.c
This class stores all the information about unique NPCs.
- UNIQUES; /include/weezent.h
- UNIVERSETTE; /include/klatch.h
- UNIVERSITY; /include/unseen.h
- UNIVERSITY; /include/wizard.h
The directory which contains the unseen university.
- UNKNOWN_BIRTHDAY; /include/player.h
The unknown birthday type.
- UNKNOWN_MOVE; /include/living.h
- UNNAMED; /include/morpork.h
- UNPAID; /include/player_shop.h
Unpaid action
- UNREAL; /include/morpork.h
- unregister_msgboard(string); /obj/handlers/mail_track.c
This method removes an alias for a messageboard.
- unregister_watchman(object); /d/am/handlers/crime_handler.c
This function is used to unregister a watchman-object when it dies.
- unseen.h.
- unset_applicable(); /obj/food.c
This sets it so the food cannot be applied.
- unset_external_pk_check(); /obj/food.c
This makes the external effects not pk checked.
- unset_quest(string, string); /obj/handlers/library.c
This method removes a quest from the players list of completed quests.
- unset_shopkeeper(); /d/cwc/inherit/shop_inherit.c
- unset_splashable(); /obj/food.c
This sets it so the food cannot be splashed.
- UNSET_STONE; /include/virtual_spell.h
- UNSET_STR; /include/player_shop.h
Initial value for some strings
- unsocial_effect.c.
This is the effect skelton docs.
- unwield_weapon(object); /obj/corpse.c
- update_adjustments(object, object); /std/effects/attached/stat_adjustment.c
This method adjusts bonuses on the player based on the current
set of stats and things.
- update_armour_callback(int, int, int); /std/living/armour.c
Update the data for an armour callback.
- update_bits_gone(string *); /obj/corpse.c
Goes through this list of bits and tries to recursively remove all
the identified bits.
- update_bugs_ideas_typos(); /obj/handlers/inherit/error_handler.c
- update_cache(string, string); /obj/handlers/map.c
This method goes through the cahce on the directory and
removes all the current references to the directory.
- update_cache(object, object, object); /std/effects/magic/health_cache.c
- update_categories(); /std/shops/inherit/craft_shop_category.c
You should run this when you change the system to the category
based system.
- update_commands(string); /std/room/inherit/newspaper_office.c
This method moves the player in and out of the room to fix up their
- update_craft_object(object, object); /std/shops/controllers/craft_shop_controller.c
This method updates the internal representation of the specified
craft object.
- update_four_weekly_stats(int); /obj/handlers/inherit/error_handler.c
Update stats on an approximately monthly basis.
- update_from_files(string); /obj/handlers/reaction.c
- update_immutables(string); /obj/handlers/inherit/player_council.c
This method updates the immutable laws with the new set of general rules.
- update_loc_weight(); /std/container.c
This method determins the current local weight from all the
objects inside the container
- update_loc_weight(); /std/surface.c
- update_monthly_periods_from(int); /obj/handlers/inherit/error_handler.c
- update_octonite(); /obj/handlers/mag_eff_handler.c
This updatest he values associated with the octonite pebbles.
- update_parse_match_context(class obj_match_context, class obj_match_context, class obj_match_context); /std/basic/id_match.c
This method updates the context.
- update_players_on(string); /obj/handlers/login_handler.c
- update_potion_parse(); /obj/container.c
This method updates the values used for the find_match() parseing
due to the liquids.
- update_project(string); /obj/handlers/project_management.c
- update_project_task_completeness(string, string, string); /obj/handlers/project_management.c
- update_receipts(string); /obj/handlers/guild_things/quota/thief_receipts.c
This function is called when a thieves' quota resets to remove
old receipt data.
- update_recently_closed_cases(); /obj/handlers/inherit/case_control.c
This method goes through and checks the recently closed cases to see
if any of them need to be moved to the closed set.
- update_route(string, string, string); /std/room/inherit/carriage/carriage.c
This is called by the handler to update the current route information
- update_shop(string, string); /obj/handlers/player_shop.c
Update a shop's path.
- update_tmps(); /std/effects/disease/gp_drain_effect.c
- update_tmps(); /std/effects/disease/hp_drain_effect.c
- update_tmps(); /std/living/stats.c
- update_user_colour(int, int); /obj/handlers/term.c
This method updates the results with user colour mangling on the way.
- update_volumes(); /std/living/health.c
- update_water_light(); /std/room/basic/water.c
This function updates the amount of light filtering down to this room from
the rooms above it, if it is necessary to do so.
- update_weekly_stats(int); /obj/handlers/inherit/error_handler.c
Update weekly stats.
- UPDATER; /include/virtual_spell.h
- UPPER; /include/morpork.h
- UPPER_CAVERNS; /include/ramtops.h
- UPPER_LEVEL; /include/ramtops.h
- US_DST; /include/dst.h
The US daylight saving time offset.
- USE_BALANCED; /include/good_fighter.h
- USE_BASE_STATS; /include/group_handler.h
Set this to 1 if you want base stats (the ones the player
rearranged to) to be used for calculating xp share, instead
of the player's current stats.
- USE_BLUNT; /include/good_fighter.h
- USE_mask; /include/good_fighter.h
- USE_PIERCE; /include/good_fighter.h
- USE_SHARP; /include/good_fighter.h
- USE_UNARMED; /include/good_fighter.h
- USER_COLOUR_LIST; /include/colour.h
- user_event(mixed, mixed, mixed); /secure/simul_efun/modified_efuns.c
This method calls an event on all the users online.
- user_function_thing(type, type); /std/basic/expressions.c
- USER_ID; /include/virtual_spell.h
- user_parser.h.
A positive number is anything greator than 0.
- UTILS; /include/forn.h
- UTILS; /include/klatch.h
- UTILS; /include/liaison.h
- UTILS; /include/morpork.h
- UTILS; /include/weezent.h
- UULIBRARY; /include/wizard.h
The directory that contains the library of the unseen university.
- uwater.c.
The underwater inherit.