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Written by Pinkfish
Started December 1991
void adjust_deaths(int i)This method changes the number of times the player has died. This can only be positive.
int adjust_max_deaths(int i)Changes the current number of maxium deaths. This adjust the number of times a player can die before they are totaly dead.
void allow_save()This method allows the player to save again after they have been disallowed.
int check_dark(int light)Can the player see? Checks to see if the player can see at the passed in light level.
void disallow_save()This method stops the player from being able to save. This is done while the inventory is regenerating to stop problems with inventory loss due to logging off before it has finished.
void do_load_auto()Starts the autoloading process. This is called just after a player logs in to start up the auto loading process.
int do_quit()quits the player.
int examine(string arg)Forces the player to examine something. This does the same as the look_me function.
string extra_score()This method returns any extra information associated with the score. This method will mostly be overridden by shadows which wish to place more information into the score command.
int glance(string str)Force the player to glance. Forces the player to glance in a certain direction.
void heart_beat()The main heart beat function. This is called by the driver every 2 seconds on the player. Does all the maintence stuff like fixing up hps and stuff like that.
void idle_out()Checks to see if they have idled out. This is called from within the heart beat code.
int look_me(string str)Force the player to look. Forces the player to look at something or just around. If the input is set to "" then they look around.
void move_player_to_start(string bong, int new_flag, string c_name, string ident, int go_invis)This method is called from within the login code to start up the new player, set their name and move them into the correct location on the mud.
void net_dead()Called when the player goes net dead. This is called by the driver when a player goes net dead. Turns them into a statue and stuff.
int query_activity_counter()Return the current value of this players activity_counter (used for debugging)
nomask string query_cap_name()This method returns the current capitalised name of the player.
int query_creator()This method returns if the object is a creator or not.
int query_deaths()This method returns the number of times the player has died.
int query_last_log_on()This method returns the time at which the player last logged on.
int query_level()Returns the players level. Uses their current guild to determine their guild level.
int query_mature()This method determins if the player is mature or not yet. It is based on the amount of time on.
int query_max_deaths()Returns the maxium number of deaths. This is the maxium number of times they can die before they are totaly dead.
int query_monitor()Is rthe monitor turned on? The hit point monitor which is displyed during combat...
int query_no_logins()This method returns the number of times the player has logged onto Discworld.
string query_object_type(object player)This method returns the one letter object type which is used in the finger command to display the type of object.
int query_prevent_shadow(object ob)Prevent the object from shadowing us? This checks to see if we should prevent this object from shadowing the player.
int query_refresh_time()This method returns the time at which the player last refreshed.
int query_save_inhibit()This method returns the value of the disallowing save variable. If this is a non-zero value then the player must not be saved.
int * query_sight_levels()This returns the sight values for the race/player. It is changed by any of the dark sight/whatever effects that are used. It returns an array of 4 values.
nomask object query_snoopee()Returns the object snooping us. If someone is snooping the player it returns the object doing the snooping. If no one is snooping the player it returns 0.
int query_start_time()This is the date on which the character was started. The very first time the player ever logged on.
nomask int query_time_on()The amount of time on line. This is the total amount of time online in seconds from when they first started playing. The return from this method is *negative*, you will need to make it positive to use it most likely.
string query_title()This method returns the list of titles associated with this player.
mapping query_titles()This method returns the mapping of all the title associated with this player.
int query_wizard()
int quit()A forced quit. This is the function called by external objects to quit a player. It avoids checks for things like being in combat.
int quit_alt(int verbose)This is the quit code called by the command 'quit'
void remove_ghost()This method removes the ghost from the player. This stops them being a ghost and turns them back into a real person.
void remove_title(string type)This method removes the title of the given type from the title mapping.
int restart_heart_beat()Restarts their heartbeat if it has got turned off for some reason.
int run_away()Called when the player wimpys out of a place. This does all the run away stuff anfd things like that.
nomask int save()This method is deprecated.
void save_me()Saves the player. Saves the player to disc, doing all the autoload stuff and such like.
void save_with_auto_load(mixed al)
mixed second_life()This method is called when the player dies. It creates the corpse and handles all the bits and pieces that should be dealth with when a player dies.
If this method returns 0 then the automatic death handling code
in the living object is used instead of this.
void set_monitor(int i)Set the hit point minitor. This sets the value of the hit point monitor flag. If it is set to 0, the monitor is turned off. If it is set to 1 the monitor is turned on, higher values cause the monitor to be displayed every N heartbeats.
void set_title(string type, string title)This method sets the current title type to be of a certain name.
int toggle_wimpy(string str)This method changes the current value of the wimpy variables.
void set_max_deaths(int i)Sets the maximum number of deaths. This sets the maximum number of times a player can die.
void write_prompt()
class player_info { int hb_num; int level; int level_time; int save_inhibit; int update_tmps_call_out; int last_save; object snoopee; mapping titles; }