Does the fighters braincell do anything important.. I know it makes fighters smarter, but
does that really matter?
Mephisto: That's Shifty Jim, and yes, he's a fence.
Brindle: How long has he had that post?
Is the fighter's braincell any use?.
--Finbar (when you find out, let Talge know)
To the east, Undertone shouts: dose anyone now how to change a page
To the southeast, Yves shouts asking: buy him dinner and take him to alternative bars?
I think a liaison is a char that controls the Mud make sure nothing wrong or stuff like that.
--Anonymous (creator application)
I just kill him. Hate is useless.
--Egg shares his philosophy
Ranma: And Gototh needs some stronger pets.
Capercaille: Is that to hide his smell?
How do I use my lollipop?
--Furry, inquiring minds want to know
I just hope she doesn't turn into a water retaining sea cow! "^_^"
--Spook makes his opinion clear
I'll give 5 dollars to whoever marries Sandoz
--Syrocko the matchmaker
To the southeast, Nuno shouts asking: did isabel rossalini model for christian dior?
To the east, Lagger shouts asking: is a frog's ass watertight?
not sure about ASCII, but i know i could doa decent penis...
Drath: is it possible to fight someone without trying to kill them?
Yves: get married
Pookey: with stats....what makes intelligence decrease (like being burdened makes dexterity
Fracastor: too much mudding
To the south, Quota shouts: THE WARRIOR BROKE MY SOCKS! :(
Everyone, don't leave stuff around Seuz, She stole my trousers with some important stuff in
To the east, Gingwaa yells: i have a hole in my mind !
Harbringer: hmm you hear a high pitched whining...
Yukk: probably klahn
bollocks. if i had an opium suppository that big i'd be sitting on it.
my butt is solar-powered.
--Lagger shares with us
Midian: I do not suck! and if jakka's been bragging about me like im some sexual conquest
he's gunna get hit!
Midian: oops :P
--Midian mischats
Castar: you mean... you were trying to cheat?
Tricky: in theory, yes
--The truth comes out!
stupid undead cabbages
--Peip on the many dangers encountered by the Discworld explorer
I squelch, yet I am dry.
--A philosophical bug report from Yves
i'm about as close you'll get to a cre..i'm a cre intern :P
--More proof that Tricky is on crack
arg.. I am a rotting rubbish woman
--Marrigold (try saying it ten times, real fast)
i can just imagine it.. she pops out, all covered with goo, and says "wotcher!"
... and a newbie wanders up and takes the placenta :)
trust me
my nipples occupy 4.7 parsecs of space.
(newbie) Clitoris arrives on Discworld for the first time!
[Clitoris enters Discworld]
Lanfear wisps: ok, own up.. how many of you typed 'lick clitoris'? :P
Phoenix wisps: nope just fingered her :)
Okay. I think I have the messy sexy thing now. I think.
(newbie) Temod: do u start in a mud school?
(newbie) Sarina: first you start with dry dirt. mud is the advanced section
--People are always ready to help newbies
Lanfear licks Beaver lustily.
The small blue-edged piece of writing paper dealt the death blow to Fingil.
--Fingil gets a nasty paper cut
(newbie) Dalboz: er, where is this womble. I can only find drugged frogs
--Welcome to Discworld
theres no intellegence in dancing...i should know
Kai wisps: all those in dire need of sex please return to AM at once. :)
Lagger wisps: we're making a club :)
Kai wisps: yes, charter members! Discount rate!|
Tricky wisps: nothing wrong with wanking..relieves stress
Tricky wisps: just ask midian
Ulairi wisps: You must be stress free then
Fingil tells Lagger and you: he i don't think so. Tell him to think
about if he were a woman....i mean, hairy ball sacks and sweaty backs just
don't do it for me :)
Lagger tells Fingil and you: that's why i shave my nuts. *beam*
--Laurana has interesting conversations
Munkie wisps: *walks slowly around the room and seductively models her teddy...
Roo wisps: ack.. me trousers are a wreck :P
--The dangers of juxtaposition
well how do I fill out My thing when poeple finger me
-- A newbie (It usually happens automatically for me :) --Presto)
(newbie) Mackner: can anyone help me?
(newbie) Mackner: I am in this place with cabbages and all the doors are locked.
--the marvels of Unseen University
Morfin wisps: can any one tell me about the special meaning of cabbages please?
Yeah, and the resolution of my bung-hole is infinite, so what's their point? :)
--LewsTherin (a friend of mine) on people moaning about 640x480 graphics
SlanK wisps: does anybody know how to smoke a pipe?
SqEaL wisps: with krak in
--Everyone steals my lines
Talge moves aggressively towards the troll bodyguard.
Talge holds a sledgehammer in his left hand and right hand.
The troll bodyguard checks for potential danger.
--Talge apparently isn't as threatening as he used to be
To the south, a town cryer shouts: Oh yay, oh yay. A mermaid found a lad - Laughed and plunging down - Forgot even lovers drown
--Timing is everything
(cre) Archana: You lunge at the handsome sheep and shaping to wolf form you viciously
(newbie) Chaos arrives on Discworld for the first time! [24 September, 1998]
--Could've fooled me
Goku tells you: help i've refreshed and i can't get up
--Goku seeks Laurana's advice
Brighid wisps: Sorry, I'm looking for someone more.... Male :)
--NPCs are such fun sometimes
Mop's wispy voice comes from the black metal medallion, saying: who's this Pinkfish guy then?
--Pinkfish ist just zis guy, you know?
(newbie) Toshiro: something keeps scaring me out of the privy
Ravn wisps: need a priest to heal me while I get the crap beat out of me.
--Fun for everyone on Discworld
Ink tells you: kidnapped! A changeling! Want to see my pea? :)
--Um, no thanks
Munkie wisps: Woah... I just took on 7 wolves... I'm running out of tea...
--If you understand this, you MUD too much. :)
A bunch from the '98 Sydney mudmeet:
Gerbil: I'll navigate from the rear
Callissan: What did you do with the balls?
Terano: is it just me or is there a giant golden cow-man on the back of that truck?
Anavrin: whered the elephant go?
Callissan: I walked in and I thought ashtray - then I thoguth woman with no shirt on...
Anavrin: If its alive then what's it doing at my hips?
Anavrin: I don't wanna know what I'm on do I?
[a'tuin] Daisilodavi wisps: *farts in commando's general direction*
Ohdamn wisps: You're on crack CATScradle
--Ohdamn make an observant diagnosis
(cre) Daisilodavi: tk unfortunatley i don't know where to find the three girls, all the ones that usually help are off atm, and i'm not sure if the one with me now will agree, so you'll just have to betied down later in the future
--Daisilodavi mischats
ApOsTlE Simpson says: so much it hangs out of my pants
--Suuure, and the check is in the mail
Fraykan wisped: isn't deutha a NPC?
--Ahhh how soon they forget
You face the High Altar and begin to perform the ceremony of consecration.
--Chelan casts remember place
Talge wisps: hmph.. "k druid" "Cadderly, Nymph, Jakka and Pyretic arrive from the south." "Queued command: k druid" Jakka dealt the death blow to the druid. Cannot find "druid". Jakka says: hi :P
Jakka's wispy voice comes from the I-Got-Killed-In-The-Lag badge, saying: afk, taking all my clothes off
--Thanks for the update
In the distance to the east, Saber shouts: what is 9 - 1
--Hoist with his own wossname (submitted by Feroz)
Sturm wisps: Nope, haven't died - took all clothes covering my body off and I have no idea how small it is
It doesn't work now because it's wet!
--Lanfear, Seattle Mudmeet '99
MegaGoth wisps: i have not been laid for 17 months and its hell , my testicles are the size of watermelons =)
--See the amazing Watermelon Man, just one thin dime; one tenth of a dollar!
Chosen wisps: then flirt with the library girl and get her to open the drives for you :)
Possibly the best bug report ever made.
Malyss wisps: Are boring women (npcs) good, neutral or evil?
Daisilodavi wisps: bogdana: it's not longer sitting up as much as it used to, it was light enough at 5 inchs, but at 10 inches it's now drooping over
--Talking about his hair. Really.
Haplo wisps: so they're there to "develop" new ways of using a rocket launcher as a dildo?
--Military technology benefits the private sector
Bubblegoose D'justice reads five small labels stuck on Yukk.
--"Machine wash warm with like colors. Made in Singapore."
Yukk tells you: Well, I'm thinking of getting those nice strap-on leather restraints to put on my bed to match the collar
--Yukk gets Lanfear's attention
Ringoosu wisps: anyone got a dead clown?
--Had one here a minute ago....
I have never been in trouble that was my fault.
--Response to the question "Have you ever been in trouble" from someone's creator app
Lanfear tells you: Canoodle? That didn't make me pregnant, did it? :>
--Gosh, I hope not
Astrogherkin d'Zenith tells you: couldn't finger psychpickle in the loin either. Sorry to bother you :(
--Astrogherkin seeks Rue's advice
DaZeD tells you: Me my friends Mung and Zod are on our way to Mad Stoat then suddenly Zod collapses and goes white and dies. He got the message you feel quesy
--Submitted by Tilly
(newbie) Sipaliwini: what are the means one has to interact with a NPC ?
There's something dripping out of this. Should I be worried?
--RL lunch with Tela
You raise your middle finger and give Lanfear the bird.
--find what out?
Fortesque wisped: "The wind blows into your left ear, and then, after a moment, blows out of your right ear." Did Presto code this? :)
--No, why do you ask? *flutter*
Morphorin D'justice tugs on his naughty bits in a desperate attempt to get some attention.
BFG wisps: Why can't I fondle someone's udders?
--Because she's not that kind of heifer?
That unicorn can take its corn and shove it up its uni.
There's no mystery juice in it.
--Tela *again* :)
ThirdEye wisps: how do I get to bad ass?
Hotbabe newbie-told: can i finger myself on my first visit?
Padrino wisps: does ne1 have a yellow rod for sale? and why does my character crave raspberry jam?
--Because of it's lovely gloppy redness?
Althea of Pishe says: Oh my, Ferago you don't look so good.
SoulReaver's wispy voice comes from the small stick, saying: Hi, how we all doing?
I tried to move rooms and I got a run time error cause I have forty cabbages.
--Another bug report
Igraine rips Kokoro the giant fruitbat out of his clothes in a sexual rage.
Lanfear wisps: The giant spider crunches your bones, and rends huge chunks of flesh. Hp: -199 Gp: 300 You feel better now.
--Another day in Gloomy
Catscradle: I love you Auntie Lannie.
--Lunch, the Day After, Seattle meet 2000
Fortesque, Cold and Heineken squeeze out of a hole that suddenly appears in the air.
--Why A-M is so messy (submitted by Poggin)
(newbie) Reott: how do you use lanfear
(Newbie) asks you: can you get racksha to talk to me?
--The pains of being a newbie-helper (Submitted by Belcar)
Consecutive death messages:
--Mutual Assured Destruction
> help sex
--Submitted by Kodachi
Kumra The Mental asks: ahhh why do cockroaches pop out of my tachibo?
--I dunno, poor hygiene?
Ciar pounces on you.
--Well, *I* thought it was funny.
You say: so why are you always thinking about sex?
--Submitted by Kodachi
Yukk wisps: I had to dial into my office from my linux box to connect to my linux box there to get the IP address for my PC so I could connect to it via VNC and from there FTP to my PC at home (where I have disk space) to pull down the files I need *pant*
--Differing levels of technosterone
Sansa newbie-told: whys it say A huge trumpetting noise comes from within your underwear, closely followed by a stench of boiled cabbage. all the time?
--What did you have for lunch?
Pon has died for the last time. All mourn his passing.
(Wizards) Ahab wisps: whanx
Rudolf D'justice asks you: when i put on that ring, i go stiff, why?
--Er, just *where* are you putting it? (Submitted by Lanfear)
(Assassins) Soxy wisps: bugger, i am having trouble getting it up for some reason
A notepad? What has a notepad got to do with WRITING?
--Midian playing Pictionary. While sober. (Submitted by Haplo)
Ravic asks: what would be best for a player with 16 str and 23 dex??
Poggin Ba'Nanana tells you: i love talking about stuff like this
--Submitted by Asherah
[dance with j...] Thaxist: That was a close one, almost lost my protection
--Need a rubber band? ;) (submitted by Asherah)
Smell her lips.
--Gunnlag to Ellaron, pointing at Siel (UK meet 2001)
What you need is a pair of tits.
--Chastity to Saph (UK meet 2001)
Mrs. Dasquian: What's going on?
--UK meet 2001
Hedgehog, duct tape, and dildo!
--Helena, not sure why (UK meet 2001)
Dhark wisps: Can I apply to be an official nipple inspector?
(Two) Hufte wisps: "one cleavage pocket. It contains: a hairy coconut"
--I don't think these chats weren't connected, but I'm not sure. :)
PncessAmy d'Deridex tells you: If your head's not red, you're not doing it right.
--Submitted by a moose
Allreadyded has died for the last time. All mourn his passing.
Emerald's wispy voice comes from the small stick, saying: It's snowing and my nipples are hard!
--Walkin' in a winter wonderland
--Another bug report
Vhailor wisps: what a MUD we have... Death has been logged on for 31 years, and Life hasnt logged on for 7 years... NPC's control the talker and Creators sit on their private channel having wild orgies...
Aerk wisped: I'm no longer hard!
The Giant leader says: Gimme what I want if you wanna go past.
You set fire to Ranma's pubic hair.
--Um.... right. (Submitted by Mythica)
Lucid wisps: I wish I could have sex with an attack helicopter..
--Who wouldn't!
Arrrggghhhhh wisps: Why is outside the Drum full of genitals
RUTB wisps: is there someway to fix my blindness that won't make me more blind or anyless human
Lanfear exclaims to you: WASABI ORGASM!!!
--Wow, what does the pickled ginger do?
[luvfool killed by being deficient in the gills department
Narf wisps: Eat it.
Stren Withel says: You can get me one if you're going.
Terano: Dunno
Callissan: Well you fondled them for a bit then put them somewhere...
Terano: a crane took it
Anavrin: whered the crane go?
Terano: a bigger crane took it
Terano: If its moving, its prolly parts of me.
[a'tuin] Commando wisps: *takes a small portable wind tunnel and points it at Daisi*
[a'tuin] Blake wisps: put sqeal down commando! :P
CATScradle wisps: impeac = act of charging an offical infront of a triamunibleitnsitcsitc
You feel Pishe's attention on you.
You reach the climax of the ceremony and cry out to Pishe, the Goddess of Slight Showers.
Obilix's left arm pulses in your grasp.
To the east, Elessar yells: 8!
To the east, Brutus shouts asking: How do I know?
You shout: it's 7+1
> A sudden chill passes through the land as Elessar is carried off screaming to the land of shades.
[Elessar leaves Discworld]
Nearby to the northeast, Ryan shouts asking: one more than seven?
[Elessar enters Discworld]
To the east, Elessar shouts: *mumbles*
In the distance to the east, Saber shouts: *laughs at elessar*
In the distance to the east, Saber shouts: a 28 day old player falling for that!
> A sudden chill passes through the land as Saber is carried off screaming to the land of shades.
[Saber leaves Discworld]
[Saber enters Discworld]
In the distance to the east, Saber shouts: oh shit
Behemoth wisps: It's an old man
Behemoth wisps: And I've already tried it :(
WilLliam wisps: depends
PianoMan wisps: i thought all women were evil
WilLliam wisps: use a rod to find out.
Shel wisps: ouch
Malyss wisps: Er, thanks.
WilLliam wisps: must learn to time comments better
Yukk eeks.
Yukk reads five small labels stuck on Yukk.
Yukk tells you: umm, ignore that
You ask DaZeD: did he get any other weird messages?
DaZeD tells you: I don't think so, except that pinkfish was talking on the talker
(newbie) Prozacc: well, there's killing, of course...
Kei wisps: stab it in yourself and find out
Gorg wisps: it is one level past tough guy
Althea of Pishe says: Allow me to heal you.
Althea of Pishe hits Ferago hard with her silver flail.
Althea of Pishe dealt the death blow to Ferago.
Althea of Pishe exclaims: I'm not going to heal you!
Althea of Pishe smiles serenely.
Lydia's wispy voice comes from the small stick, saying: tell isra pubes, for bikini line :P
Kokoro the giant fruitbat squeaks happily.
Lanfear: Fuck off.
Cold rubs something.
YUCK! You step in a heap of dubious-looking substances.
You tell (Newbie): Racksha is a player? sorry..we don't do inter-personal stuff..only help with game mechanics :)
(Newbie) asks you: how do you get some one to make love to me down the web?
You tell (Newbie): *I* don't.
[solomon killed by golax
[golax killed by solomon
Could not find any help on 'sex'. You might find what you're looking for in 'help essentials'.
> fall
You fall over.
Something smells like pie.
Hsif K'nip says: Drill 'em, and fill 'em, that's what I say.
The cockroach jerks off in a strange direction.
You say: Then again, maybe its jus me.
DcDhol wisps: cool.
Soxy wisps: i can turn my computer on
[assassins] Staria: you suck pon :oP
(Wizards) Astrald wisps: It makes you go blind you know
Ravic says: armour that is
Lanfear exclaims: A big straw hat with flowers!
Poggin Ba'Nanana tells you: makes me feel so intellegent or however that is spelled....
Helena: You fell over.
Etain wisps: you mean creator?
Xavius wisps: Ask Taffyd
(Two) Eldric wisps: Roll a bowl a ball, roll a bowl a ball
Aerk wisped: Terano took it away!
Ashnod wisped: There are pills for that
Lanfear's wispy voice comes from the small stick, saying: Honey, you are delusional if you think I have clothes on
Ranma eeks at you.
Ranma tells you: however i also hate shaving, which creates a grumpy situation where i have to do it. normally. I mean that is when I can use my hands properly :P
Ranma tells you: though i actually like my hair. As short and plain as it is :P oh well =)
Shameless has died for the last time. He is mourned.