"Sodde thys for a larke, it has gotte to be a bugge."
And fear was felt throughout the room and Brighid spake thus...
"Welle, I cann thinke of nothinge We have notte tried, can You?"
And the Hero Brindle looked out upon the offerings before them, and saw that they were both good and plentiful, and she too spake, and she quoth...
"Well I'lle be buggerred if I canne see whatte itte is."
And yet still they lanoured more, and piled more offerings before the altar But alas, none were received. Whereupon the Heroes cried out in a voice like thunder...
"Oh Hatte, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Us? And whatte of the mighty Gerbil, whos faulte Thys alle is? He's going to feele the wronge end of my boote, I can tell you, when I catche uppe with himme."
But, in this, the darkest hour, there was suddenly a ray of sunshine, and Karek cried out...
"A Bugge! A Bugge, I tell you. Thatte's what itte must bee. A Bloody Bugge."
And so they were convinced, that this quest, far from being the end to all their searches, was a bug. And long they cursed the hours they had spent, and the name of he that had sent them on this fruitless quest.
"Gerbil!", they cried, "Oh Gerbil Juste wait tille we catche uppe with you, you
And so a pact was made, that unless the great creator Gerbil spake that the quest was
indeed finished, and that they could continue to search, albiet in vain, they would make
his life a living hell until the quest was finished.
Here endeth the tale, Thee Burden of Thee Three Questors