Welcome to

Amber's Coven

Personal Info

Many people have had the luck/misfortune (delete as applicable) to bump into me on Discworld, but few know more than my first name and e-mail address. My Amber FAQ contains answers to questions you either didn't think of, or were probably too afraid to ask. However, there are limits, so don't expect to find any truly personal information or hints/solutions to quests.

Current Projects

I am currently working on the witches' guild (along with AmanoAi, Deutha, Ember, and Jeremy) which is situated in the Ramtop Mountains, near the town of Bad Ass. I believe this project was originally started by Bastian in May 1992, taken over by Ember in June 1992, and then passed to me in December 1993. Several major changes have occurred since its conception. You may wish to take a small tour of the witches' guild to whet your appetite.

Survival Guide

If you have already had an unpleasant experience with one of Discworld's witches, or merely want to make sure you get off on the right foot on your first encounter, you might want to read this Practical Survival Guide to Witches on Discworld.

Bulletin Board

Postings are regularly made to the bulletin board in Esmerelda Weatherwax's bedroom by witches, wannabe-witches and non-witches alike. Topics range from specific guild-related queries and suggestions to sometimes heated gender-related issues. You can choose whether to read the current postings or expired postings on this board.

Last Updated: 18 August 1996
© Copyright 1996 Amber Blue-Ginger Archaos