Discworld MUD

(Answer) (Category) Discworld Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Finding Help :
How can I find help on something in the game?
All Discworld's helpfiles are available from the game itself. To read one you need to type help then the name of the file. So to read the file about the newbie channel you would type 'help newbie'.

For a list of all helpfiles you can simply type 'help'.

Also some special places have helpfiles all of their own. So if for example you had wandered into a room that looked interesting but you weren't sure how to use it, you could type 'help here' for an explaination if there is one available.

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Previous: (Answer) Are there any websites that might be useful apart from this one?
This document is: http://discworld.atuin.net/cgi-bin/fom?file=205
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