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Written by Apostle
Started 5. April 2007
varargs void add_graffiti(string str, string area)
varargs void add_random_graffiti(mixed where, string * area)
void add_style(string str)
mixed clean_graffiti(mixed where)
void delete_graffiti_room(mixed where)
string extra_look(mixed where)
varargs string format_graffiti(string str, mixed where)
varargs string graffiti_hidden(string * locs, mixed langs, string * area)
return graffiti_hidden( ({ "the wall", "the table", "the door" }) ); Returns: Looking around, you find "Wombles Say Bing!" carved into the wall.
return graffiti_hidden( ({ "the floor", "the wall" }), "agatean", ({ "bes pelargic", "agatea" }) ); Returns: Searching around, you find "Death to the Fang!" painted on the wall.
varargs string graffiti_message(string * area)
string graffiti_style()
string * query_areas()
varargs string * query_graffiti(string area)
varargs string query_graffiti_room(mixed where, string * langs)
mapping query_rooms()
string * query_styles()
varargs int remove_graffiti(string str, int all, string area)
varargs int remove_style(string str)