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Written by Pinkfish.
varargs int add_attack(string a_name, int chance, int * damage, string type, string skill, mixed func, mixed bogus_1, mixed bogus_2)This method adds an attack onto the object. The name of the attack must be unique on each object.
void add_attack_message(string name, string type, string * data)This method adds a special attack message set onto the weapon. The type and name are around this way to correspond to the parameters to add_attack.
inherit "/obj/weapon"; void setup() { ... add_attack_message("gumboot", "blunt", ({ 0, "$N gumboot$s at $I with $D", 20, "$N lightly gumboot$s $I in the $z with $D", 60, "$N gumboot$s $I in the $z with $D", 5000, "$N heavily gumboot$s $I in the $z with $D" })); ... } /* setup() */
void attack_function(string a_name, int damage, object attack_ob, object attack_by)
int calc_attack(int number, int percent)
int modify_damage(int damage, string attack_name)
mixed * query_attack_data()
mixed * query_attack_message(string name, string type)This method returns the attack message associated with the type and name. The type and name are around this way to correspond to the parameters to add_attack.
string * query_attack_names()
string * query_attack_types()
mapping query_special_messages()
string query_weapon_type()This method attempts to work out what type of weapon this is.
void remove_attack(string a_name)This method removes the attack of the given name.
mixed * weapon_attacks(int percent, object target)This function returns 0 or more attacks for this weapon against the given target.