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Written by Pinkfish
void do_banking()
function query_browse_function()This method returns the functionto be used when browseing something.
function query_buy_function()This method returns the functionto be used when buying something.
int query_cost(object thing)This method returns the cost of the item shop object being talked about.
function query_list_function()This method returns the functionto be used when listing something.
int query_max_float()
int query_no_steal()Queries to see if the room is unstealable.
object query_safe()query_safe - This method returns the object currently being used as a safe in the shop.
int query_shop()This method tells us if the shop is really a shop or not.
object * query_shop_lift_items(string str, object player)This method returns the items which can potentially be shop lifted with the passed in string.
string query_shoplift_response_handler()
function query_sort_function()This method returns the function used to sort the inventory of the shop when it is printed out.
int query_steal_difficulty(int i)This method returns the steal difficulty of the room.
void set_browse_function(function func)This method sets the function to use when browseing something from the shop. The function will be called with two arguements, the first is the player, the second is the array of objects being browsed.
void set_buy_function(function func)This method sets the function to use when buying something from the shop. The function will be called with two arguements, the first is the player, the second is the array of objects being bought.
void set_list_function(function func)This method sets the function to use when listing something from the shop. The function will be called with two arguements, the first is the player, the second is the array of objects being bought.
void set_max_float(int f)
void set_no_steal(int i)Sets this room as being unstealable.
void set_open_condition(function func)This method makes it compatible with the way that the open stuff works in the normal shops.
void set_open_func(function func)This method sets the function to evaluate to detmine if the shop is open or not.
void set_safe(object safe)This allows the creators to set their own safe.
void set_shoplift_response_handler(string word)
void set_sort_function(function func)This method sets a function to be used to sort the inventory when it is printed out.
void set_steal_difficulty(int i)Sets the steal difficulty of the room.
void setup_safe()This method creates the safe in the room. The safe is then used for various thief related activities.
object shoplift_success(object ob)This method turns the objects into real objects (if that is nessessary, it is not with a normal shop).
mixed * switch_extra_properties()