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Written by Pinkfish
Started Mon Mar 4 23:34:31 PST 2002
int delete_route(string route)Delete a route from the handler.
void load_data()
object query_carriage_on_route(string route)This method returns the carriage object on the specified route.
mapping query_route_actual()This method returns all the actual actual routes and where they are. This should only be used for debugging purposes.
mapping query_route_details()Query the details of the route. This returns everything about the details and should not be used.
string * query_route_names()This method returns all the names of all the different routes in the system.
class stop_list_details * query_route_stops(string route)This method returns the list of stops associated with the route.
int query_stop_delay(string name)This method returns the delay of the stop, the actual room.
string query_stop_location(string name)This method returns the location of the stop, the actual room.
string query_stop_name(string name)This method returns the name of the stop, the actual room.
void scan_for_new_data()This method scans through all the files and sees if anything has changed.
void setup_carriage(string dir, string base_dir, string carriage, string pole, string save_file)This method sets up the carriage handler stuff. It sets up the pole and the carriage items.