[Package Index | Mudlib Index | Effect Index]
int check_can_leave(string exit, object person)
mixed * co()
object create_bell()
object create_carriage_driver()This method should be overriden by higher level carriages to setup the driver correctly.
object create_fake_carriage()This creates the default fake carriage object (moved to rooms that the carriage stops at). This method can be overriden to create a custom fake carriage
int do_ring()
void give_warning(string this_stop_name, string next_stop_name)
int make_carriage(string name, class route_details new_route_info, object handler)This is called by the handler to originaly setup the current route information.
void make_stop()Stop at the next location.
void move_on()
string query_carriage_name()This method returns the name of the route the carriage is on.
class stop_list_details query_current_stop()This method returns the details of the current stop.
string query_environ_long()
string * query_moving_chats()Returns the default carriage-moving chats - can be overriden by higher level carriages for default ones)
class stop_list_details query_next_stop()This method returns the details of the next stop.
object query_outside()This method returns the object that is the outside of us.
class route_details query_route_map()This method returns the entire details of the route used by this carriage.
int * query_stop_info()This method returns the indexes of the current stop and the next stop.
void set_bell(object bell)Sets the bell object for the carriage
void set_fake_carriage(object carriage)Sets the fake carriage object (moved to rooms that the carriage stops at)
void update_route(string name, class route_details new_route_info, object handler)This is called by the handler to update the current route information