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Written by Ceres
int is_allowed_to_mess(object player)This method checks to see if the specified person can mess with this furniture.
int is_placed()This method checks to see if the furniture is placed or not.
int move_check(object dest)This makes a move check to see if the person is allowed to move the item or not.
string * query_allowed_positions()Returns the set of allowed positions for the furniture object.
mapping query_allowed_room_verbs()This method returns the location verbs for this object.
string query_bonded()This method returns the person who the furniture is currently bonded to.
int query_furniture()This method will return true if the item is an item of furniture.
string query_owner()Returns the person who this item is bonded to.
int query_placement_immovable()This method returns if the furniture object can be moved or not.
string query_placement_other()This method returns the current other the furniture object is using. The other is somethign like 'against', 'beside'.
string query_placement_position()This method returns the current position the furniture object is using. The position is something like 'wall', 'ceiling' etc.
string query_placement_verb()This method returns the current verb the furniture object is using. The verb is something like 'sitting' or 'standing'.
void remove_allowed_positions(string * positions)Removes the positions given to this function as the argument, from the list of allowed positions for this piece of furniture
void set_allowed_positions(string * positions)Used to define what positions (sitting, lying etc.) are allowed for this piece of furniture.
void set_allowed_room_verbs(mapping allowed)Set the allowed location verbs for this object.
void set_bonded(string person)This method sets the furniture as bonded to a specified person.
int set_placement_immovable()This method returns if the furniture object can be moved or not.
void set_placement_other(string other)This method sets the current other the furniture object is using. The other is somethign like 'against', 'beside'.
void set_placement_position(string position)This method sets the current position the furniture object is using. The position is something like 'wall', 'ceiling' etc.
void set_placement_verb(string verb)This method sets the current verb the furniture object is using. The verb is something like 'sitting' or 'standing'.