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Written by Jeremy
void add_topo_barriers(mapping m)This method adds directions from which the room cannot be reached. The parameter is a mapping, giving the direction as the key and a message to be printed upon failure as the value.
NOTE: the direction is the direction the person is going (ie, the
command given); e.g., to block access from the west, use "east" as the
void add_topo_exits(string * other_exits, string other_types)This method adds exits for the room if they don't already exist. "compass4" and "compass8" can be specified as exit names to add exits for all of the normal 4 or 8 compass directions, respectively.
varargs mixed * query_dest_other(string direc)This method masks the standard query_dest_other() function. It calls the topology handler to find the connecting room (which is usually cloned on-the-fly).
int query_fixed_room()This method can be used to determine if this is a fixed room.
mixed query_topo_barrier(string direc)This method returns the message associated with the given barred direction.
mapping query_topo_barriers()This method returns the current mapping of barriers.
string query_topo_handler()This method returns the topography handler set for this fixed room.
void set_area_handler(string s)This method is deprecated. Use set_topo_handler().
void set_topo_handler(string s)This method sets the topography handler for this fixed room.