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varargs void add_stage(string * messages, string skill, int level, string * materials, string * consumables, int time_modifier, int pause, function f, string prayer, int imbue_source)Use add stage if you don't want to change an existing stage, just add one onto the end, it calculates the identifier and calls set_stage itself.
int calc_old_bonus(int bonus)
int cast_spell(string words, int scroll, object staff)The part that kick starts all of the other parts. It is called by the cast command. I think this is depreciated. Lets check!
mapping check_benefit(class ritual info, string type)A list of all of the things that can decrease difficulty. This uses the same types as check impediment, but returns a mapping containing a string and a float describing why it is more difficult. ie: ([ "on fire", 0.75 ]); would mean that a player gets the message: It seems easier to perform Great Womble because you are on fire. They then receive a bonus of 75% to their stats. These bonuses are cumulative.
mapping check_difficulty(class ritual info, string type)A list of all of the things that can increase difficulty. This uses the same types as check impediment, but returns a mapping containing a string and a float describing why it is more difficult. ie: ([ "on fire", 0.75 ]); would mean that a player gets the message: You are having trouble performing Great Womble because you are on fire. They then suffer a penalty of 75% to their stats. These penalties are cumulative.
string * check_impediment(class ritual info, string type)A list of all the types of impediments we are looking for. Centralised for easy access!
void end(object person, class ritual info, int id)
string * generate_message(string * _messages, object caster, object * targets, string deity, string ritual, string prayer)
object * get_room_targets(class ritual _info)
string help()
int perform_ritual(object player, string args, int scroll, object * targets, object imbue)This is called by the perform command, it replaces cast_spell.
string query_classification()
int query_faith_ritual()
int query_indefinite()
int query_point_cost(object caster, object * targets, class ritual temp)
int query_power_level(class ritual temp, int stage)Query the difficulty of a given stage.
string * query_prayers()
int query_ritual()
string query_ritual_formatted()
string query_shadow_ob()
int ritual_check_target(object caster, object targets)
void ritual_failed(class ritual info, int bonus)
void ritual_resisted(class ritual info, int bonus)This -must- be masked if you want to use it.
void set_alignment(int * align)Set the max and min alignments for this ritual. Runtimes if not handed an array of 2 ints
void set_family(string family)Sets the family of the ritual. Currently this is offensive, defensive, curing, but this will change.
void set_gp_cost(int amount)What is the base GP cost for this ritual?
void set_learn_level(int level)The minimum level required to teach this ritual. Will be modified by other factors.
void set_name(string name)Generic set name function for the ritual. Does exactly what you think it does.
void set_nroff_file(string path)The arcane art of setting a helpfile. Once you have written a nroff file, set it using set_nroff_file( path );
void set_offensive(int value)Does this ritual initiate combat? 1 yes, 0 no.
void set_pk_status(int pk)
void set_requirements(int speech, int movement, int vision)Sets requirements for this ritual
void set_resist_skill(string skill)Set a skill to resist.
varargs void set_stage(int ident, string * messages, string skill, int level, string * materials, string * consumables, int time_modifier, int pause, function f, string prayer, int imbue_source)Lets you set the stages manually if you know the identifiers.
void set_target_check(function pointer)This is used to stop a ritual being cast on specific targets that aren't covered otherwise. IE: A ritual that can only be cast on frogs. set_target_check( (: $1->query_race() != "frog" :) ); would make this happen.
void set_targeting(int type)How can this ritual be targeted? The following are valid args:
set_targeting(0); // Cannot be directed at a target at all.
void set_teach_level(int level)The minimum level required to teach this ritual. Will be modified by other factors.
void set_teach_skill(string skill)The skill check used for teaching.
int teach(object target, string ritual)This now uses the new guild ability system to check for allowed teachers This actually allows instructors to use teach, but I don't think players will like it, since that means the instructors have to be very high level.