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File /std/basic/virtual_quit_control.c

This method handles problems where players log out in places which are virtually controlled. It does the effort to put them back in, but does it in a way that is recursive. So if they are on a horse in a terrain it will work properly.

Written by Pinkfish

Started Wed Sep 22 18:24:40 PDT 1999


inherit "/std/basic/virtual_quit_control";

void player_quitting(object player, object place) {
   string pos;

   pos = check_start_pos(environment(place));
   // Doesn't need to last long since we save immediately.
   player->add_property(START_PLACE, pos, 10);
   ::player_quitting(player, environment(place));
} /* player_quitting() */

// Move the player to the right spot when they login.
void event_enter(object player) {
} /* move_player_to_real_location() */

Method index

Protected Functions

These are functions that only objects inheriting the class can access.