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File /std/basic/identity_hold.c
This inherit deals with things on an object that's personal to the player
holding it at the moment. This means, for now, "identify" and "keep" tags.
These are removed if the object leaves the player's inventory for too long.
This code was adapted from an effect/shadow pair.Written by Woom
Started December 05, 2005
Method index
Public Functions
These are functions that everyone can access.
string query_full_identifier()
If identified, this returns the full identifier set for the object.
- Returns:
The full identifier
string query_identifier()
If identified, this returns the identify name of the object.
- Returns:
The identify name
object query_identity_hold_owner()
This returns the owner of the item.
- Returns:
The item's owner
int query_keep()
This tells us if the object is set to be kept or not.
- Returns:
1 if the object is kept, else 0
void reset_keep()
This sets the object as no longer kept.
void set_identifier(string word)
This sets up an identifier for the object.
- Parameters:
word - The string to use as identifier. The last word will become the
identifier name, while all words before that become identifier adjectives
void set_identity_hold_owner(object ob)
This sets the "owner" of the item. This must be set after setting the keep
or identify properties, so that the object knows whom these properties apply
- Parameters:
ob - The player to set as owner of the item
void set_keep()
This sets the object as being kept.
void set_keep_value(int keep)
This sets the value of the keep flag.
- Parameters:
keep - The value to set to: 1 if the item should be kept, else 0