[Package Index | Mudlib Index | Effect Index]
void debug_log(string fmt, mixed args ...)
void enter_state(string new_state)
mixed main_random_name_menu(string event)
void mxp_enable()
string query_delete_player_file_name(string name)This method returns the path to the deleted player file. This is the deleted player files actual normal location, it was written to allow moving the player files aruond easier.
int query_login_ob()This method determines if the object is a login object.
string query_player_file_name(string name)This method returns the path to the player file. This is the player files actual normal location, it was written to allow moving the player files aruond easier.
mixed quit(string event)
class state { string name; string action; string write; int noecho; mapping events; }
An event is a string of the form "type-data" where type is either "input" or "return" indicating user input or the return from an action function. Thus "return-ok" would be triggered if the action function in this state returned "ok" while "input-y" would be triggered if the user typed in "y". The special event "input" will trigger on any user input while the event "default" will trigger on any input or return value.