varargs int do_mail_message(string t,
string from,
string sub,
string ccs,
string body,
string only_to,
int flag)
This method allows a message to be mailed. It checks the previous
object to make sure it is one of the allowed set to
do mailing.
- Parameters:
t - who it is to
from - who it is from
sub - the subject of the message
ccs - the carbon copy recipients
body - the body of the message
only_to - only mail to the to address
flag - prevent this_player() from getting the messages if flag != 0
- Example:
MAIL_HANDLER->do_mail_message("pinkfish", "gumboot, killer tomato":,
"About the tomatoes", "",
"The grass ius greener yesterday,.\nYours\nGumboot.");
string finger_mail(string pname)
This method returns the mail information which is placed into the
the finger command.
- Parameters:
pname - the name of the player
- Returns:
the function mail string
string folder_filename(string name)
string format_date(int x)
This formats the date as needed by the mailer object.
- Parameters:
x - the date to format
- Returns:
the new date
string new_mail(string pname)
This method returns a string saying if the player has new mail or not.
This is what is used when the player first logs on.
- Parameters:
pname - the name of the player
- Returns:
the new mail string
- Example:
str = MAIL_HANDLER->new_mail(this_player()->query_name());
mixed * query_do_this_last()
This method returns the call back fuinction to use when
the mailer has finished. ({ ob, func })
- Returns:
the call back function
string * query_folders(string pname)
This method returns the list of folders associated with the player.
- Parameters:
pname - the player name
- Returns:
an array containing the folder names
void read_mail(string str,
string sub)
This method is the main entry point to the mailer. It is
what is called to start up the system when a mailer is used.
- Example:
mailer = clone_object(MAIL_HANDLER);
void set_do_this_last(mixed * bing)
This method sets the call back fuinction to use when
the mailer has finished. ({ ob, func })
- Parameters:
bing - the call back function