int add_house(string house,
string * other_rooms,
string address,
string region,
int type)
Add a new house to the handler.
- Parameters:
house - the basename of the house
other_rooms - an array of other rooms in the house
address - a string for the address
region - the region (used for house sales)
type - an integer. 1 for owned, 0 for rented.
- Returns:
1 for success, 0 for failure
int add_rooms(string house,
string * rooms)
Add secondary rooms to a house.
- Parameters:
house - the basename of the house
an - array of basenames for the rooms
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
int clear_in_arrears(string house)
Mark a house as no longer being in arrears.
- Parameters:
house - the base name of the house
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
int for_sale_name(string name)
Test to see if the provided name is a reserved name for housing which is
for sale.
- Parameters:
name - Name to test
- Returns:
1 if the name is reserved for the sale process, 0 otherwise
int is_house_club(string house)
This method checks to see if the house is a club house property.
- Parameters:
house - the house to check for
- Returns:
1 if it is club house property
- See also:
query_vacant(), is_house_lease() and is_house_rental()
int is_house_lease(string house)
This method checks to see if the house is a leaseable property.
- Parameters:
house - the house to check for
- Returns:
1 if it is lease property
- See also:
query_vacant(), is_house_club() and is_house_rental()
int is_house_rental(string house)
This method checks to see if the house is a rental property.
- Parameters:
house - the house to check for
- Returns:
1 if it is rental
- See also:
query_vacant(), is_house_club() and is_house_lease()
int is_owned(string house)
This function determines if the specific house is owned by someone
properly and not for sale or under offer.
- Parameters:
house - the house to look up
- Returns:
1 if the house is owned
- See also:
int modify_house(string house,
string * other_rooms,
string address,
string region,
int type)
Modify a houses information.
- Parameters:
house - the basename of the house
other_rooms - an array of other rooms in the house
address - a string for the address
region - the region (used for house sales)
type - an integer. 1 for owned, 0 for rented.
- Returns:
1 for success, 0 for failure
string query_address(string house)
Find out the address of a house.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
- Returns:
the address.
mapping query_all_housing_area_citizenships()
This method returns all of the current mappings between the housing
area and the citizenship. This should not be used for anything
except debugging.
- Returns:
all the housing area stuff
string query_bank(string house)
Return which bank account rent will be removed from for a house.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
- Returns:
the bank name.
string query_city(string house)
Query the city name for this house
- Parameters:
house - the registered name of the house
- Returns:
the city in which the house exists
int query_house(string house)
Check if a given house is registered.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
- Returns:
1 if its registered, 0 otherwise.
string query_housing_area_bank(string area)
This method returns the current mappings between the housing area and the
initial bank to use.
- Parameters:
area - the area to check
- Returns:
the initial bank used, DEFAULT_BANK if none set
string query_housing_area_citizenship(string area)
This method returns the current mappings between the housing area and the
required citizenship.
- Parameters:
area - the area to check
- Returns:
the citizenship required, 0 if none
string query_housing_area_place(string area)
This method returns the current mappings between the housing area and the
money area ("Ankh-Morpork", "Counterweight Continent", etc) to use.
- Parameters:
area - the area to check
- Returns:
the money area used, DEFAULT_PLACE if none set
int query_in_arrears(string house)
Check to see if the house is in arrears.
- Parameters:
house - the main registered room of the house
- Returns:
-1 for unknown house, 0 for not in arrears, 1 for in arrears
int query_lease(string house)
Find out when the lease ends
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
- Returns:
the time the lease ends.
string query_main_room(string room)
Query the main registered room for a given room in a house.
- Parameters:
room - base_name() of the room to test
- Returns:
The main registered room, or 0 if one cannot be found.
string query_owner(string house)
Find out the current owner of this house.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
- Returns:
the owners name.
string * query_owner_houses(string region,
string owner)
The list of houses owned by the specific person in the specific
- Parameters:
region - the region to find the hosues in
owner - the owner of the houses
- Returns:
the owners of the houses
string query_previous_owner(string house)
Query the previous owner (for while a house is up for auction)
- Parameters:
house - the "main" registered room of the house
- Returns:
0 for unknown house or no previous owner, else the previous owner name
string query_region(string house)
Find out the region a house is in for sale/rental purposes.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
- Returns:
the region.
string * query_rooms(string house)
Get a list of the houses rooms.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
- Returns:
a list of rooms.
string query_street_exit(string house)
Query the non-player room to which trapped players can be transported
- Parameters:
house - Registered name of the house
- Returns:
0 on error (or unregistered exit), otherwise the exit.
int query_type(string house)
Find out the type of a house. ie. Whether it's rented or owned.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
- Returns:
the type.
string * query_vacant(string region)
Function to get a list of houses that are vacant in a given region.
This function is used by the auction system or other sales mechanism.
- Parameters:
region - Region to list houses in
- Returns:
a list of houses.
- See also:
is_owned(), is_house_rental(), is_house_lease() and is_house_club()
int query_value(string house)
Find out the current value of a house.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
- Returns:
the value.
int recover_from_backup(string backup_file)
int remove_house(string house)
Remove a house from the list of houses
- Parameters:
house - the basename of the house
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
void remove_housing_area_citizenship(string area)
This method removes the mapping between a housing area and it's citizenship
- Parameters:
area - the housing area to remove the link from
int remove_rooms(string house,
string * rooms)
Remove secondary rooms from a house.
- Parameters:
house - the basename of the house
an - array of basenames for the rooms
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
int rename_house(string house,
string newhouse)
Rename a house. This will remove the "main" room and replace it with
- Parameters:
house - the current basename of the house
newhouse - the new basename.
int set_address(string house,
string address)
Set the address of this house.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
address - The new address of the house
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
int set_bank(string house,
string bank)
Set the bank account to be used for rent on this house.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
owner - The new bank to use
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
int set_city(string house,
string city)
Set the city (display) name for this property
- Parameters:
house - Base registered name of the property
city - Display name for the city
- Returns:
1 on success, 0 on failure
int set_for_sale(string house)
Mark a house as being For Sale this puts it in the list of possible
houses to go into the vacant list.
- Parameters:
house - the basename of the house
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
void set_housing_area_citizenship(string area,
string citizenship)
This method sets a mapping between a housing area and the citizenship
required to hold a house there.
- Parameters:
area - the housing area to link
citizenship - the citizenship the housing area needs
void set_housing_area_money(string area,
string bank,
string place)
This sets the type of money to use for the specific housing area. It
also sets the default bank for the region.
- Parameters:
area - the area to set the money for
bank - the default bank to use
place - the money type to use (coinage)
int set_in_arrears(string house)
Mark a house as being in arrears. This is the step just prior to being
- Parameters:
house - the basename of the house
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
int set_lease(string house,
int lease)
Set the term of the lease if the property is leased.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
lease - The time the lease ends. If this is zero the default
will be applied.
int set_owner(string house,
string owner)
Set the owner of this house.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
owner - The new owner of the house
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
int set_region(string house,
string region)
Set the region of this house.
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
region - The new region of the house
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
int set_street_exit(string house,
string exit)
Set the street exit for the house
- Parameters:
house - base registered name of the property
exit - The non-player room to which a player can be safely sent.
- Returns:
0 on failure, 1 on success
int set_type(string house,
int type)
Set the type of a house. ie. Whether it's rented or owned.
(2 for leased, 1 for rented, 0 for owned).
- Parameters:
house - The basename of the house
- Returns:
the type.
int set_under_offer(string house)
Mark a house as being Under Offer (to prevent anyone else trying to sell
it too.
- Parameters:
house - the basename of the house
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure
int set_value(string house,
int value)
Set the value of a particular house.
- Parameters:
house - the basename of the house
value - the value in monetary units.
- Returns:
1 for success 0 for failure