[Package Index | Mudlib Index | Effect Index]
void delete_record(string thief, int id)This method is calledto delete the receipt record for outdated receipts
object process_theft(object place, object command_ob, object thief, object victim, object * stolen)This function is called by the Ankh-Morpork theft handler to process theft events.
mapping query_data(string thief)
string query_receipt_info(string thief)This function is called by the thief receipt book to query information about a thief's receipts.
int query_total_stolen(string thief)This method is called to query the total amount reported stolen by a thief in the current quota period.
int report_theft(object receipt)This function is called by the Ankh-Morpork receipt clerk when a receipt is turned into the guild.
void update_receipts(string thief)This function is called when a thieves' quota resets to remove old receipt data.