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Written by Eron
Started 01/03/2001
int adjust_debts(string thief, int amount)This method is used to pay a given amount toward a thief's quota up to the amount the thief owes.
varargs class thief_quota_data calc_thief_quota(string thief, int flag)This method is used to calculate a thief's quota values.
void login(string player, string type)This method is called by the login handler when a player logs on or by the code for thief leaves of absence. It is used to start timing their time on the quota system.
int pay_thief_fines(string thief, int amount)This method is used to pay a given amount in fines to the Guild. It is used by the heavies to force payment of fines.
int pay_thief_quota(string thief, int value)This method is used when a thief pays the Guild. Fines are paid first followed by theft cut owed to guild.
varargs void player_quit(string player)This method is called to log players off the quota system.
mapping query_old_data(string name)This method returns quota values from the time of the previous quota reset
varargs mixed query_quota(string thief, string type)This method is used to retrieve quota values for a named thief. The format of the return value depends on the "type" parameter given.
class thief_quota_data query_quota_data(string name)This method returns the raw quota data
void remove_thief(string thief)This method is used to delete all quota data for a player
int reset_fines(string thief)This method is called be creators to remove fines from a thief's quota
int reset_quota(string thief)This method is used by creators to reset a thief's quota