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Written by Pinkfish
Started Fri Oct 24 16:03:57 EDT 1997
void load_file()Loads up the currently set file name from the archives.
void parse_file(string name, function func, int only_load)Parses the input file figuring out all the documentation bits of it.
int query_changed()Did the file change? Checks to see if the file changed since it was last read.
mapping query_class_docs()The documentation for the classes.
mapping query_define_docs()The documentation for the defines. This is mostly used by the include file documentation system.
mapping query_defines()The defines which were setup in the class. This is the mapping of the defines which were processed. The format of the mapping is ([ "name" : "value" ]), where the name is the name of the define and the value is what to replace it with.
string query_file_name()The file name being processed.
string * query_includes()The files included by this one.
mapping query_inherits()Returns the inherits mapping of the system. This returns a mapping of the form ([ inherit_name : ({ flags }) ]). Where the name of the inherit is something like "/std/object" and the flags are things you can apply to an inherit, like "protected" or "private". If there are no flags then the flags will be an empty array.
mapping query_main_docs()Returns the main docs for the class. The mapping is of the form ([ "tag" : ({ data }) ]), where each reference to a tag creates a new element in the data array.
int query_num_failed_tries()This method returns the number of times the file was attempted to be read and it was discovered not to exist at all.
mapping query_private_functions()The mapping of private functions. The mapping is of the form ([ func_name : ({ type, args, docs }) ]). The type bit is an array of the type name, ie: ({ "int" }) or ({ "mixed", "*" }). The args bit looks like ({ "name", type }), where the type is the same as in the previous array. The docs is a mapping of the form ([ "tag" : ({ data }) ]), where each reference to a tag creates a new element in the data array.
mapping query_protected_functions()The mapping of protected functions. The mapping is of the form ([ func_name : ({ type, args, docs }) ]). The type bit is an array of the type name, ie: ({ "int" }) or ({ "mixed", "*" }). The args bit looks like ({ "name", type }), where the type is the same as in the previous array. The docs is a mapping of the form ([ "tag" : ({ data }) ]), where each reference to a tag creates a new element in the data array.
mapping query_public_functions()The mapping of public functions. The mapping is of the form ([ func_name : ({ type, args, docs }) ]). The type bit is an array of the type name, ie: ({ "int" }) or ({ "mixed", "*" }). The args bit looks like ({ "name", type }), where the type is the same as in the previous array. The docs is a mapping of the form ([ "tag" : ({ data }) ]), where each reference to a tag creates a new element in the data array.
void save_file()Saves the current file name to the archives.