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Written by Kaylar
Started June 2005
void add_pattern(string key, string name, string * pat_descs, string difficulty, int stains)
add_pattern( "cheshire cat", "cat", ({ "It is decorated with a " "$adjective$ cat stained in $colours$.", "It is stained with a " "$colours$ cat.", "A cheshire cat coloured with $colours$ stain " "smiles from a surface of the $name$.", "A grinning cheshire " "cat in $colours$ decorates the $name$.", "$a_adjective$ cat has " "been stained on it in $colours$.", "A constipated-looking cat " "has been stained on the $name$ in $colours$.", "A vaguely cat-shaped " "pattern has been created on it in $colours$." "A blob of $colours$ " "stain has been applied to the $name$.", "expert", 2 }) );
int do_glaze(object * obs, string dir_match, string indir_match, mixed * args, string pattern)
int do_sign(object * obs, string dir_match, string indir_match, mixed * args, string pattern)
int do_stain(object * obs, string dir_match, string indir_match, mixed * args, string pattern)
void make_pot(int left, mixed args)
void set_glaze_colours(string * colours)
set_glaze_colours ( ({ "azure", "blue", "cyan", "dark blue" }) );
void set_glaze_results(string * results)
set_glaze_results ( ({ "thin", ({ "shiny", "thick" }), "bright", ({ "lustrous", "vivid" }), "dull", ({ "uneven", "patchy" }), "bumpy", ({ "bubbled", "gritty" }) }) );
void set_language(string language)
set_language( "morporkian" );
void set_room(object room_ob)
table = clone_object( "/d/your/table" ); table->reset_get(); table->set_room( this_object() ); add_hidden_object( table );
void set_stain_colours(string * colours)
set_stain_colours ( ({ "black", "grey", "white", "silver" }) );