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void player_wear()This function is called on an object and causes it to be worn if it can be by it's environment(), i.e the player carrying it.
varargs int query_ac(string type, int amount, string zone)This method is called when the armour is hit. It returns the amount of damage that is stopped by the armour. This method basically calls query_ac in /std/armour_logic and then performs adjustments for enchantment etc.
int query_armour()Return true to indicate that this is a piece of armour.
string query_construction()Query the construction type of the armour.
int query_full_value()Return the full value of the armour as if it were in perfect condition.
int query_value()Return the value of the item modified by its current condition.
void replace_me()
void set_construction(string type)Set the construction type of the armour. scale, lamellar, chain, plate etc.
void setup_armour(int number)Set the initial condition of the armour.