Index of z
letters can change the world, remove the l from world and you have word
- zap(object, object, object); /obj/handlers/artifact_handler.c
Zap the wand!
- zap_bad_effects(object); /std/room/furniture/bath.c
Since we have a limited quantity of water here, it may wash an effect
right away, or it may need more washing.
- zap_bad_effects(object); /std/room/furniture/sink_inherit.c
Since we have a limited quantity of water here, it may wash an effect
right away, or it may need more washing.
- zap_stat(string); /std/effects/disease/gp_drain_effect.c
- zap_stat(string); /std/effects/disease/hp_drain_effect.c
- zap_stat(string); /std/living/stats.c
- zap_stat_cache(); /std/living/skills.c
This method zaps the stat cache when a certain stat changes.
- zapper_init(object); /std/basic/artifact.c
- ZEPHIRE; /include/morpork.h
- ZOMBIE_WALK; /include/forn.h
- zone_info(wealth, wealth, wealth, wealth); /include/hospital.h
This class stores all the information about a zone.
- zone_info(wealth, wealth, wealth, wealth); /obj/handlers/hospital.c
This class stores all the information about a zone.
- ZOOPARK; /include/morpork.h
- ZOOPARK_INHERITS; /include/morpork.h