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Written by Pinkfish
nomask int query_director()
nomask int query_lord()
int bulk_delete(string word)This method forces a bulk delete on a certain letter. This letter will then be checked to see if any of those players have timed out and should be deleted.
int clean_up_files(string word)This method forces the clean up of certain file son the bulk deleter. This cleans up all the files associated with the given player.
int do_dismiss(string str, string reason)This method is called when the director attempts to dismiss a creator who is currently working (or not working if they are being dimissed I guess).
int do_qsnoop(object * obs)This method is used to do a quiet snoop on a player.
int employ(string str)This method is called when a director attempts to employ someone in their domain.
int end_it_all()Very fast shutdown.
int new_domain(string dom, string director)This method is used to create a new domain.
mixed process_input(string input)No priorities etc anymore, so directors get there own very small process_input parser(tm)