[Package Index | Mudlib Index | Effect Index]
string * AddSearchPath(mixed val)Add a directory(s) into the search path for commands. If the input is an array then the members of that are added to the search path.
int eventForce(string cmd)A force event.
string GetClient()This tells us if we are a client.
int GetForced()This method returns if we are being forced or not
string * GetSearchPath()This method returns the current search path
string query_current_cmd()What are the args to the current verb?
string query_current_verb()What is the current verb?
string * RemoveSearchPath(mixed val)Remove a directory(s) from the search path. If the input is an array then the members of that are added to the search path.
int cmdAll(string args)Try and execute the command. It calls the fuinction command_shadowed with the verb and args as parameters if the command is found to exist.
mixed * cmdPatterns(string verb)This method tries to lookup the patterns for the given verb.
void command_commands()Add in the command catch all action.