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void boot_person(object person)this boots people off the tm list @param person the person to be booted
int check_audience(object ob)verifies valid audience members
int clean_up(int parent)
int do_adjourn(object * obs, string sdir, string * indir, mixed * args)
int do_lecture(object * indirect_obs, string dir_match, string indir_match, mixed * args, string pattern)this begins a player lecture.
int dochek(object ob)this checks for a tm peiodicaly during lecture @param ob the thing being checked
void event_enter(object player, string mess, object fromt)takes care of greetings, and the audience rota.
void event_exit(object player, string mess, object fromt)handles missing persons, and escapees.
void event_person_say(object ob, string start, string mess, string lang)this controls the amount of spam, keeping it above a certain minimum
void finish_lecture()this is called at the natural end of a lecture to hand out tms where appropriate. should only be called at the natural end of a lecture.
int impchek(object player)tells if someone earned thier tm already or is otherwise ineligible to tm. @param player the player being checked
int init_lecture(object teacher)This initiates an NPC lecture. @param teacher the npc lecturer. to enable NPC driven lectures and NPC lecturers :) list of properties used by this object : NPC lecture - an npc is currently lecturing. lecture_in_progress - a lecture is in progress. no lecture souls - a flag to turn off default souls. hoarse - added to lecturer at end of talk. lecture notes - an array containing lecture info. has lecture quirks - a flag on npc lecturers, indicates that the NPC has do_quirk() defined. ***************************************************
int lecture_in_progress()
void maintain_lecture()this keeps the lecture going, it handles things like lowered gp, random messages, and a bunch of checks on everything but the kitchen sink
void nd_lecture()This ends any lecture instantly!