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varargs int add_crime(string criminal, int severity, string short, string long)Adds a crime to the criminal's record. The time is recorded automatically.
varargs int add_temporary_crime(string criminal, int severity, string short, string long)Adds a temporary crime to a criminal's record.
void banish_person(string name, int days)This function adds a player as banished.
void banish_person_suspend(string name)This function supends (removes) a player's banishment (to be used when the case is appealed).
int clear_crimes(string criminal)Wipes the entire "permanent" criminal record of a player or NPC.
int clear_temporary_crimes(string criminal)Clears all the temporary crimes for a player or NPC.
int is_banished(string name)
void player_delete(string name, int type)This is the function called by the login-handler when a player is deleted so that a potential criminal-record can be erased as well.
void player_login(string name, string type)This is the function called by the login-handler when a player logs in so that a potential criminal-record can be loaded.
void player_netdead(string player, string watchman)
void player_reconnect(string player, string event_type)
void player_refresh(object player, int type)This is the function called by the login-handler when a player refreshes so that a potential criminal-record can be cleared.
string * query_all_criminals()This returns all the criminals that are currently being sought.
string * query_banished()This function returns the names of all banished players and also deletes banishments which are over from the handler.
int query_banished_time(string name)
string query_city_gate(string zone)
varargs string * query_crimes(string criminal, int last_update)Returns all the crimes a player or NPC is guilty of or those that have been recorded before a given time, if the last_update-parameter is specified.
string * query_crimes_long(string criminal)Returns an array with the elaborate descriptions of all crimes a player or NPC is known to have committed.
varargs int query_criminal(string criminal, int last_update)Checks whether the specified player (or NPC) is a known criminal. If the last_update-parameter is given, only crimes recorded before that time will be counted.
string * query_criminals()This function returns the names of all online criminals with permanent records.
string query_prison_for(string zone)Queries the prison for a watch-district.
mapping query_prisons()This function returns the prisons registerd with the handler.
object * query_registered_watchmen()This function returns the registered watchmen-objects.
string * query_temp_criminals()This function returns the names of all online criminals with temporary records.
int query_total_severity(string criminal)Returns the severity-rating of all the crimes a criminal committed.
void register_watchman(object wm)This function is used to register a watchman-object for reinforcement issues.
int remove_temporary_crime(string criminal, string short)Removes a temporary crime from a criminal's record.
int save_crimes()Saves the entire contents of the _criminals-mapping to the respective files.
int save_this_criminal(string criminal)Function that saves a criminal's record and removes him from the mapping (can for instance be used if the player logs off).
void set_gate_for(string zone, string file)
void set_prison_for(string zone, string file)This function is used to assign a prison to a given zone.
void unregister_watchman(object wm)This function is used to unregister a watchman-object when it dies.
class crime { int time; string short; string long; int severity; }