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void add_playwright(string name, int level)This method is used to add a playwright to the theatre's list of official playwrights.
string * convert_file(string file)This method converts a save file for a script into an array containing the author and title. @param file the file to convert @return returns a 2-3 part array of author, title and number
int do_accept()This method accepts a script as valid for the theatre.
int do_add()This method adds a script to the current lineup of scripts to be performed.
int do_collect()This method is used to collect royalties for players
int do_demote(string name, string reason)This method is used to demote a manager back to playwright
int do_fine(string name, string amount, string reason)This method is used to fine a playwright of royalties. The fine itself is not regained by the theatre, in order to prevent abuse.
int do_fire(string name, string reason)This method fires a playwright or manager.
int do_hire(string name, int flag)This method hires a person to the theatre, either as a playwright or * manager. * * The flag determines if it is a hire from nothing to playwright or manager, * or if it is a promotion to manager for a current playwright. * @param name The name of the person to demote * @param flag Flag determining what type of hiring is taking place.
int do_list(int type)This method lists the avaliable scripts. * @param type the type of script to list
int do_pay(string name, string amount, string reason)This method is used to pay a playwright a bonus.
int do_play()This method plays a script for a manager.
int do_reject()This method rejects a script, returning it to the owner.
int do_remove()This method removes a script from the current lineup of scripts to be performed.
int do_retrieve(int type)This method is used to retrieve a script in object form
int do_set(string name, int percent, int flag)This method sets the pay rat (in terms of a percentage of the takings of takings for their plays) for a particular person, the default payrat, or that for all the playwrights. The flag argument determines if the payrate to be set is the default, that of a particular person, or that of a particular person to a default rate, 1, 2, or 3 respectively.
int do_transfer_ownership(string new_owner)This method transfers control of the theatre to a new owner.
int do_view()This method is used to view a script's file.
int employee_details(string name)This method returns details on an employee
string get_details(string name)This method gives a list of details on an employee, such as the level at which they have been employed, the date on which they were employed, their current royalties, plays approved and their pay percentage.
int is_hired(string name)This method is used to identify if someone is an employee
int is_owner(string word)This method is used to identify if someone is the owner of the theatre
int list_d_employees()This method produces a detailed list of the employees
int list_employees()this method lists all employees along with their levels within the organisation
int list_managers()This method produces a list of the managers
void pay_royalties(string author, float amount)This method pays royalties to the author of a play.
string query_owner()This method returns the current owner of the theatre.
void reject_this_script(class h_script the_script)
int return_script(object thing)This method returns a script object to the theatre
void set_theatre_log(string path)
void set_theatre_name(string name, string stage)This method sets the theatre name
int view_log()This method displays the log file for the theatre. *
int view_td()This method gives a nice message with the details of the theatre
void write_scripts(class h_script * scripts)This method writes an array of scripts to the player.
class playwright { int date_hired; int number_plays; int total_paid; int employee_level; int pay_percent; }