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Written by Turrican
string comment_bug(mixed key, int row, string who, string comment)This method stores a comment about the report. Unlike most other methods, this is immediately saved in the comments table!
string finish_errors(mixed key)This method ends access to the database. It doesn't save any pending changes.
int forward_bug(mixed key, int row, string directory)This method forwards the bug report to a different directory.
mixed get_comments(mixed key, int row)This method gets the comments about a report in the database. The info is given in a mapping indexed by column name where the values are arrays of the values for the columns, ordered by CommentDate.
varargs mixed get_fields(mixed key, string directory, string fields, string type)This method fetches the specified fields from the database. You should not call this too often as this is a very expensive operation. Typically it's called once, at the beginning of your object.
mixed get_forwards(mixed key, int row)This method gets the forwarding info for a report in the database. The info is given in a mapping indexed by column name where the values are arrays of the values for the columns, ordered by ForwardDate.
varargs mixed get_row(mixed key, int row, int nomap)This method returns a row of information from the database. Note that you get the original, not a copy, so any changes you make to the row will also be reflected in a later get_row(). If you don't want this, just make a copy(). The row consists of a mapping with the column names being the keys.
varargs string init_errors(mixed key, string user, int replace)This method initializes some state variables and connects to the errors database.
string save_changes(mixed key, string user)This method saves any pending changes into the database.
int set_status(mixed key, int row, string status)This method changes the status of a bug report. In the old system it would delete the bug.
int set_type(mixed key, int row, string type)This method changes the type of a bug report. Possible types are 'IDEA', 'BUG' and 'TYPO'.
varargs mixed sql_query(mixed key, string query, mixed * args ...)This method provides direct SQL access to the errors database. You have to give a valid SQL query. It returns the number of rows the query returned, which can be fetched using get_row(). For a higher level of access to the database, use get_fields().