Cracking of cabbage -Excess water taken -Harvest heads as soon as heads up by plant causes mature head to burst -Overwatering -Variety -Plant recommended varieties
Poor heading -Overcrowding -Thin plants early -Dry soil -Supply water -High temperatures -Poor fertility -Soil test -Root knot (nematode -Check roots for knots; problem) rotate; soil fumigation -Root rot (fungal -Rotate; remove old plant disease) debris; plant in well- drained soil
Discolored cauli- -Exposure to sun -Tie leaves over head when flower heads heads begin to form
Brown spots on -Alternaria Leaf Spot -Apply registered fungicide leaves (fungus)
V-shaped lesions on -Blackrot(bacteria -Apply registered bacteri- leaf margin cide; resistant varieties
Plants wilt and turn -Blackleg (fungal -Use western grown hot- yellow; roots are disease) water-treated seed; rotate discolored and poorly -Wirestem (fungal remove old plant debris developed; roots may disease) -Work in a registered soil be hard and brittle -Cabbage maggot insecticide at planting time
Gray, powdery growth -Downy mildew -Use registered fungicide on lower leaf margin
Plants stunted and -Dry soil -Supply water yellowed (esp. -Poor fertility -Soil test cabbage cabbage -Fusarium yellows -Resistant varieties; roots not discolored (fungal disease) rotate -Cabbage maggot -Work in a soil insecticide at planting time
Heads soft and rotted -Soft rot of cabbage, -Rotate; plant in well broccoli, mustard drained soil (bacterial disease)
Rough, brown, raised -Oedema, physiological -Maintain adequate soil areas on undersurface problem due to uneven moisture of leaves water supply
Leaves riddled with -Flea beetles -Use registered insecticide shotholes
Leaves chewed -Imported cabbage- -Identify insect; use regis- worm, cabbage looper, tered insecticide diamondback moth, flea beetle
Some leaves curled -Aphids -Use registered insecticide and yellowed; -Harlequin bugs shriveled or
deformed plants
Bolting -Physiological -Plant at right time disorder -Recommended varieties